Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Young Researchers – New Energy and Future of the Military Technical Institute

The Military Technical Institute is one of the pillars of development of arms, military equipment and high technology products in the Ministry of Defence and Serbian Armed Forces. In the course of 72 years of its existence and work, the Military Technical Institute underwent numerous challenges, from 70s and 80s of the last century remembered as the golden age, when the state-of-the-art arms and military equipment of the time were developed, to numerous problems and the gravest damage that it suffered in 2005 and 2006 when its capacities were considerably reduced due to lay off of several hundred of employees.
  Aware of the importance of the Military Technical Institute, the Ministry of Defence helped its recovery over the last several years through investments in restoration of research cadre, new employment of young experts for the requirements of implementation of a large number of projects in the field of arms and military equipment.
The importance of investing in young hopes, our intelligence, knowledge and research cadre was recognised in order for that military establishment to continue being the drive of defence industry in our country and a renowned establishment of scientific and research capacities of Serbia.
Due to very unfavourable age structure of staff of the Military Technical Institute, in the course of last several years, the Ministry of Defence introduced measures for considerable rejuvenation of research cadre, with focus on conducting public competitions for employment for an indeterminate period, and offering scholarship to students at final years of studies. Continuous admission of young researchers is extremely important for the Military Technical Institute for the reason of transfer of knowledge and experiences gained, and for the purpose of maintaining continuity of on-going projects, and enhancement and modernisation of working process through the energy of young people.
In the last several years, the Military Technical Institute employed 69 young researchers, and in 2020 they will admit 55 more young researchers, following a competition issued in February this year.
  Development of modern complex combat and non-combat systems is the primary activity of the Military Technical Institute and during their employment young researchers have an opportunity to give their contribution to that activity. Work in the Military Technical Institute offers opportunity for participation in development of state-of-the-art arms and military equipment such as guided and non-guided missile systems, modern combat systems, unmanned platforms, unmanned aerial vehicles, modern electronic and communication systems, radar and AD systems. In that way, through work in modern laboratories, the young researchers participate in implementation of projects of extreme importance for defence of our country.
Ministry of Defence and Military Technical Institute pay great attention to professional advancement of cadre and it is one of priorities. Thus, the educated young people have an opportunity to quickly and efficiently become involved in the most modern technological processes, and apart from learning, through team work on current developmental projects with the support of their mentors, the young researches are enabled to attend additional professional advancement through postgraduate studies, participation in national and international scientific conferences, seminars and exhibitions of arms and military equipment.
In the academic year 2019/2020, the Ministry of Defence opened competition for student’s scholarships, on the basis of which 20 contracts were signed for one-year and two-year scholarships, 11 contracts being for one-year scholarships for five students of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Belgrade, two of the Faculty of Engineering in Kragujevac, one of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Belgrade, three from the Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy in Belgrade, while 9 contracts were signed for two-year scholarships with students of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in Belgrade.
  Continuing the restoration of research cadre, aimed at employing the best and the most talented young experts, the Ministry of Defence opened a competition for granting 34 students’ scholarships in the academic year 2020/2021 – 14 students at master studies and 20 students of bachelor studies. The competition is opened for the students of the fourth year of bachelor studies in the field of mechanical engineering, and students of the third and fourth year of faculties in the field of electrical engineering and computer engineering. The competition envisages that the scholarship students will be employed in the Military Technical Institute once they complete their studies.
In this manner, the Ministry of Defence encourages the hardest working and the most talented students to devote their work to the state and its progress, to direct their knowledge and talent towards development and enhancement of defence capabilities of their country. Consequently, it will ensure that the Military Technical Institute continues to achieve notable results in the field of research and development of arms and military equipment, and to keep on being the driving force in the system of Serbian defence industry.