Minister Vulin: We protect our skies
Today, the Minister of Defence, Aleksandar Vulin, attended the celebration of the Aviation Day at the military airfield “Colonel-Pilot Milenko Pavlović” in Batajnica.
On behalf of the President of the Republic and the Supreme Commander of the Serbian Armed Forces, Aleksandar Vučić, Minister Vulin congratulated on the Aviation Day and emphasized that “those who remember rebellions and wars say that nothing grows as fast and nothing exists as permanently as the Serbian Armed Forces and those who saw Serbs when it was most difficult say that nothing grows as fast as the Serbian desire for freedom and resistance to those who wish to take away their freedom”.

Serbian Armed Forces will always protect their skies, says Minister Vulin and adds that he is proud to see trained and equipped members of the Air Force standing in front of the new equipment.
- Other countries, although much richer, although they do not have the history of wars behind them, although they did not experience NATO aggression, allow others to protect their skies now, they allow foreign aircraft to cruise over their countries and their waters. Serbian Armed Forces will never allow that. We will protect every inch of our land, our waters and our skies. That is why you are here today. I am proud to see you lined up like that, trained, new, in front of the equipment that you can be proud of, that you master. I am proud to see that you are trained and equipped, and above all, motivated to serve your country and your people – Minister Vulin emphasized.
According to him, today we remember those who are no longer with us, those who took off when there was no chance for them to land and return home to their families.
- Today we remember those who protected and defended this country during the last great unpunished crime of the 20th century – the NATO aggression. Today we remember them and think – how proud they would be to stand here and see the renewed, strong, brave Air Force – said the Minister of Defence, stressing that they would also be proud to see the equipment that we have procured, the way we defend our country and the fact that their sacrifice was not in vain.
He added that we can buy even more helicopters and more modern aircraft. Other countries can do that as well, but no one will ever be able to line up such troops.
- They will not be able to line you up, you - who are stronger, more valuable and more courageous than the aircraft you master. Thank you for years of not giving up, surrendering or turning your back on your country. Thank you for years of believing that Serbia will rise again and return to where it belongs and thank you for the free skies that you protect – Minister Vulin said.

- We have completed equipping with key assets – MiG 29 aircraft, multirole Mi-17 and H-145 helicopters, Mi-35 fighter helicopters, LASTA aircraft, remotely controlled aircraft, as well as aircraft maintenance tools. In addition to intensive equipping, modernization, overhaul and maintenance of aircraft are constantly conducted – General Žarković said.
He adds that the completion of works on a part of infrastructure facilities have significantly improved living and working conditions of personnel, as well as the facilities for storing and maintenance of key assets, and by introducing a series of measures, the standard of the members of aviation and aviation technical service has been raised.
- This is an opportunity for me to express appreciation and praise to the members of Aviation on their efforts and achieved results in training, equipment maintenance and carrying out daily tasks. A lot is expected from Aviation, and the results achieved in the previous period, available staff, and modern equipment are a guarantee that the next period will be even more successful – said the Commander of the Air Force and Air Defence.

The ceremony continued with the demonstration of Air Force aircraft, such as MiG-29, Super Galeb, Orao/Eagle, Lasta, Mi-17, Mi-35, H-145 helicopters, CH-92A UAVs and an air show with MiG-29 aircraft was performed.
The ceremony was also attended by the Head of the Military Police Department, Brigadier General Rajko Milovanović, Deputy Commander of the Air Force and Air Defence, Brigadier General Željko Bilić, and the Commander of the 204th Air Brigade, Colonel Brane Krnjajić.
The Aviation Day is celebrated in memory of the 2nd August 1893 when King Aleksandar Obrenović issued an order prescribing that air sections must be formed in all divisions. Until 1941, that day was traditionally celebrated as the Day of all pilots and fliers.