Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Life Returns to the Villages of Prokuplje Owing to the Serbian Armed Forces

Members of the Serbian Armed Forces are still engaged on providing assistance to afflicted population in eliminating consequences of floods in the villages around Prokuplje.
Starting from 29th June, members of the 310th Engineer Battalion of the Third Army Brigade have been engaged on repairing damaged roads, construction and reconstruction of levees along the river in the area of five villages around Prokuplje – Donja Bresnica, Gornja Brasnica, Krnjigrad, Prekopuce and Drvinje.
According to Commander of the 310th Engineer Battalion Lieutenant Colonel Borko Bućović, in the village of Donja Bresnica, engineers of the Third Brigade installed a Bailey bridge to cross the River of Bresnica, and the bridge will ensure that the population of this area has a line of communication with the town.
- Members of the 310th Engineer Battalion transported the bridge in a very short time, installed it, and constructed entrance and exit ramps, and the bridge was fully operational. It is a 15 metres long bridge, with payload capacity of 24 tons which enabled a line of communication to the local population with the town – Lieutenant Colonel Bućović explained and underlined that the members of the Serbian Armed Forces had also been engaged to clear river banks, repair and clear roads and levees and to drain channels, and do recovery of damage on private properties.
Commander in the 310th Engineer Battalion Senior Sergeant Petar Ilić stressed that members of the Serbian Armed Forces were being constructing 10 culverts to enable river crossing in a hamlet of Savići, village of Drvinje.
- Members of the 310th Engineer Battalion are engaged in four more villages. They are finishing reconstruction of a road over the river and the only thing that remains is to connect the road Donja Bresnica-Krnjigrad – said Senior Sergeant Ilić and added that the members of the 310th Engineer Battalion, like numerous times before, were engaged in providing assistance to civilian population in removing the effects of natural disasters.
Member of municipality council in charge of infrastructure in Prokuplje, Žarko Koprica expressed his gratitude to the Serbian Armed Forces for their great support and assistance, since the adverse weather conditions which had affected that town caused a lot of damage, especially to certain road sections in several villages.
- The Serbian Armed Forces and the local self-government reacted quickly and in these ten days restored the roads in several villages and constructed the bridge over the River of Bresnica. We are finishing the works so that the inhabitants could work, go to their fields, and all damaged roads are going to be repaired – Koprivica highlighted.
Svetlana Perišić from the village of Drvinje said that the fact that the armed forces were repairing the roads meant a lot to the local population and everyone who came to that village because they could go to their fields and village cemetery. She underlined that they were extremely satisfied with the engagement of the members of the Serbian Armed Forces and grateful for everything that they had done for the inhabitants of the village.
The Serbian Armed Forces will continue engaging its personnel and equipment in Prokuplje and its surroundings as long as that is required.