Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Ceremony on the occasion of graduation of the 44th class of the Military Grammar School

The ceremony on the occasion of graduation of the 44th class of the Military Grammar School students was held today in that military educational institution.

The best of the 86 students of the 44th class were Natalija Ilić, Nikola Vasić and Sara Nikolić.
Today's ceremony was attended by the Commandant of the Military Academy, Major General Bojan Zrnić, who congratulated the students on the completion of their education and wished them much success on their way to the first officer rank.

The Head of the Military Grammar School, Commander Miroslav Ćitić, pointed out that the period of schooling of the 44th class was marked by significant investments in better conditions for boarding school life and work.

- The reputation and importance of the school have grown, and the evidence of that are numerous visits of the President of the Republic and the Supreme Commander of the Serbian Armed Forces, the Prime Minister of Serbia and the Minister of Defence. This year, the graduates finished their education with the help of distance learning because of the disease that struck the whole world - said Commander Ćitić and told the students to be conscious and responsible, because "heroic deeds of our ancestors oblige them to do so".

- Remember that everyone has put in their effort for you to become good people. You are capable and educated to cope with future life challenges - said the Head of the Military Grammar School.
Natalija Ilić, the best student in her class, pointed out that everyone has their own path "and that, depending on their dreams, desires and aspirations, they choose the direction they will go".

- Four years ago, I had a big decision to make, and when I look back now, I was not aware of the magnitude of this decision. I came to a different system not knowing how things worked here and how different it was from my everyday life and from what I knew until then. It seems to me that in these four years we have really grown, developed into some new, different young people and that all of us already have an idea of ​​the true values ​​and virtues that we should possess - said Natalija Ilić.
The Head of the 44th class, Captain First Class, Branislav Nikolić, and Professor Gorica Đaković-Doroški, also addressed the audience, on behalf of the class teachers, who wished the students and future cadets a lot of luck and success in further education.

The Commandant of the Military Academy, General Zrnić, presented the best student, Natalija Ilić, with a wristwatch with a dedication, while the representative of the "Lieutenant Borko Nikitović" Fund, Nebojša Nikitović, presented her with an award that has traditionally been given since 1993.
At today's ceremony, which was attended by the graduates’ professors and commanding officers, the Head of the Military Grammar School, Commander Ćitić, handed a Letter of Appreciation to the representative of the "Lieutenant Borko Nikitović" Fund.