Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Engagement of the Vessel Protection Detachment in the EUNAVFOR ATALANTA Mission completed

The Autonomous Vessel Protection Detachment consisting of 12 members of the Serbian Armed Forces has returned to Serbia today after a four-month engagement in the EUNAVFOR Somalia Operation ATALANTA.

The detachment was engaged in the protection of “Merchant Vessel JUIST” which was sailing in the Indian Ocean for the purposes of the UN World Food Programme.
Armed Forces of the Federal Republic of Germany provided support to the detachment returning from the mission area, which is another confirmation of the advancement of cooperation between the two armed forces. In addition to important projects under the training and education assistance programs, cooperation in the field of multinational operations under the auspices of the European Union is an important segment of the overall cooperation in the field of defence. The joint preparations and engagement of military medical capabilities of Serbia and Germany in the EU-Training Mission Mali within the German Military Hospital are also a confirmation of excellent cooperation in a multinational environment.

Providing support to the Autonomous Vessel Protection Detachment returning to Serbia confirms the importance of partnership with the German Armed Forces and a commitment to common goals in contributing to the maintenance of international peace and security.