Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Serbian Armed Forces have demonstrated “Serbian speed”

Today, a six-member team of medical experts from China visited a new hospital at the “Karaburma” Military Medical Centre intended for the treatment of patients with Covid-19, which opened yesterday and whose reconstruction and construction of a new ward was completed in 12 days.

After the visit, the Deputy Head of the Infectious Diseases Clinic of the Third Affiliated Hospital of the Sun Yat-Sen University, Prof. Lin Bing Liang pointed out that the layout at the new hospital was excellent and that in terms of functionality, all aspects were considered.

- Two entrances were made, for employees and for patients, three zones are clearly divided, as they should be, thus preventing the spread of infection in the hospital. All patients’ basic needs like dining and bathing, were also taken into consideration. Inside the facility, the rooms are sunny and can be aired. They are also ready for emergency response if needed, because each room has respirators and monitors - said Prof. Lin.

He said that a remarkable job was done because the hospital was built in a very short time and it could be said that it was "Serbian speed".

- In such a short period of time, extremely good conditions have been created for patients. The speed is really amazing. Most importantly, there is an existing hospital on the same grounds, and this extension of two hospitals is of utmost importance - explained Prof. Lin, adding that this is a great advantage because they can complement each other in terms of capacity.

He said that today's visit was an opportunity to look into the entire process of treatment in the hospital and based on that, Prof. Lin expressed his belief that everything would run smoothly.

The Commander of the “Karaburma” Military Hospital, Lieutenant Colonel Ivo Udovičić, MD, presented the capacity and equipment of the new hospital to the delegation of Chinese experts, emphasizing that the staff from the Military Medical Academy and the Centre for Military Medical Institutions of Belgrade work here.

- Today we had the great pleasure and honour to host again our great friends, doctors from China, who have helped us many times and the results of their help are reflected in the outcome of patient treatment at the “Karaburma” Military Medical Centre and the fact that none of the 250 military health care professionals who have been working at that hospital for over a month, has been infected. I consider that to be our greatest success - said Lieutenant Colonel Udovičić, adding that the experiences of Chinese experts are always welcome.

According to him, during the visit, members of the Chinese delegation spoke positively about the divided areas in the new hospital, suggesting what kind of patients should be treated there.

- We will admit new patients after the cured ones are discharged, because the new hospital is primarily intended to admit patients from the ”Karaburma” Military Medical Centre who are already cured or nearly cured, that is, patients with mild symptoms waiting for a control negative test in order to be discharged - said Colonel Udovičić, pointing out that thus room for patients with more severe symptoms is freed up and better conditions for their treatment are created. The delegation is satisfied and we are pleased and we will certainly implement their proposals and hope that this hospital will also function for the benefit of the citizens of Serbia - Colonel Udovičić concluded.

Assistant Minister for Defence Policy, Milan Ranković and Brigadier General Uglješa Jovičić, MD, the Head of the Military Healthcare Department also visited the new hospital at the “Karaburma” Military Medical Centre today.