Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

The Minister of Defence laid a wreath at the Monument to the Unknown Hero on the occasion of the Serbian Armed Forces Day

The envoy of the President of the Republic and the Supreme Commander of the Serbian Armed Forces, the Minister of Defence Aleksandar Vulin, accompanied by the Chief of the General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces, General Milan Mojsilović and the Commander of the Air Force and Air Defence, Major General Duško Žarković, laid a wreath today, with military honours at the Monument to the Unknown Soldier on Mount Avala on the occasion of the 23rd of April - the Serbian Armed Forces Day.

Minister Vulin wrote in the memorial guest book:

“The history of the Serbian Armed Forces is the history of Serbia. In difficult times, the military and the people are one, so victory is indisputable and surrender is not possible. No human force has conquered Serbia, neither will a disease. Our ancestors won freedom for us and we will preserve it for posterity. ”

On 23rd April, 1815, on the Christian festival “Cveti”, the Second Serbian Uprising was staged in Takovo, which marks a historic turning point in the creation of a modern Serbian state and army. Since 2012, 23rd April has been marked as the Serbian Armed Forces Day.