Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

CBRN units of the Serbian Armed Forces are working daily to prevent the spread of the coronavirus

CBRN units of the Serbian Armed Forces continue their engagement in implementing measures to prevent the spread of Covid-19 throughout Serbia, said Major Milan Gujanica, spokesman for the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces.

- Members of the CBRN units have established disinfection points next to the temporary hospitals at the Belgrade Fair, the Novi Sad Fair and the “Čair” Hall in Niš, where the majority of these units’ members are engaged. Teams at disinfection points disinfect medical and non-medical staff working in the temporary hospitals, and they also disinfect all access roads and areas around the temporary hospitals. Such a checkpoint has also been established at the Clinical Centre in Niš - said Major Gujanica.

In addition to the disinfection points, several mobile teams, mainly from the 246th CBRN Battalion, are engaged in the tasks of preventive disinfection of roads and public areas with sodium hypochlorite solution.

- CBRN teams disinfect roads and public areas in Kruševac and Bujanovac, and a lot of cities and municipalities such as Kraljevo, Čačak, Novi Pazar, Raška, Leskovac, Aleksinac, Svrljig, Preševo and others throughout the Republic of Serbia have been disinfected - says Major Gujanica adding that the CBRN units of the Serbian Armed Forces carry out all their tasks observing all general and special protective measures intended to prevent the spread of Covid-19.