Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Serbia receives assistance from Turkey

Minister Vulin: We are eternally grateful to the countries that have helped us

The assistance provided by the Republic of Turkey to the Republic of Serbia in the form of equipment to prevent the effects of Covid-19 pandemic was delivered today at the “Nikola Tesla” Airport by a Turkish military aircraft, which was welcomed by the Minister of Defence Aleksandar Vulin and the Ambassador of the Republic of Turkey to Belgrade, Tanju Bilgiç.

On behalf of the President of the Republic and the Supreme Commander of the Serbian Armed Forces, Aleksandar Vučić, Minister Vulin thanked Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan for the "generous assistance that arrived at the right time."

- In these moments, we do not only recognize our true friends, we do not only see which countries perceive Serbia as a friendly country, but we can also see the future. In these times, in the most difficult times, we are building a policy for the future - said Minister Vulin, adding that Serbia will remember who helped it and who was there for it and will direct its future policy in accordance with those facts.

When it was most difficult for Serbia, when people were dying and help was needed, not all countries came forward, emphasizes Minister Vulin and points out that those who did come forward have our eternal gratitude and a reason to expect our friendship to be even greater.

- I wish to tell all the citizens of Serbia that no help will be enough if we do not understand that all of us must protect ourselves and our loved ones, if we do not understand that we must do our best to stay healthy - said Minister Vulin.

The Ambassador of the Republic of Turkey to Belgrade Tanju Bilgiç expressed condolences to Serbia for its citizens who lost their lives during this difficult period.
- I wish the citizens of the friendly Serbia to come out of this disaster with the least possible damage. There is a saying in Turkish: "A friend is recognized in the dark days." This assistance may not solve all of Serbia's problems, but Turkey wants to show that it is there for Serbia in this difficult time. I wish for us to return to the days of peace and prosperity very soon. Stay healthy - Ambassador Bilgiç said.

The donation from Turkey contains a variety of medical supplies, including 100,000 protective masks, 2,000 protective suits, and 1,500 Covid-19 tests. Symbolically written on the parcels containing aid is the saying by the famous philosopher Rumi: "I believe there is a lot of hope behind the hopelessness, a lot of sunshine behind the darkness."