Minister Vulin in Niš: Serbian Armed Forces have done everything necessary to adapt Čair Hall to the purpose of treatment
As ordered by the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, and in accordance with the decisions of the Crisis Management Team, the Serbian Armed Forces have done everything necessary to adapt Hala Čair to the purpose of treating patients with mild symptoms of coronavirus, said the Minister. Today, the Minister of Defence Aleksandar Vulin, accompanied by the Mayor of Niš and doctors, oversaw the final preparations of the sports facility for the reception of patients infected with the coronavirus.
The Minister of Defence noted that 256 beds were ready, that everything was as comfortable as possible.
- There are rooms not only for sleeping, but also for daily activities and dining, and, most importantly, a sufficient number of doctors and nurses have been provided, as well as good and much needed medical care, he said. Minister Vulin added that another 280 beds in other halls are now ready for this purpose in the city of Niš, and that, if necessary, and in accordance with the Crisis Management Team’s assessment, the military will be ready to make themselves available for service in any other additional facilities.
He recalled that there are many richer countries, but that "it is difficult to find a country whose citizens work so honestly and with so much enthusiasm in the fight against the coronavirus."
- When you see the scenes from much richer countries where people sleep in the corridors, then you have to be proud of your Serbia, which is immeasurably poorer and weaker, but does not allow for scenes like those to be seen, and I am very grateful to the Supreme Commander of the Serbian Armed Forces for taking care every day that there are no such scenes here - the Minister of Defence Aleksandar Vulin concluded.
The Mayor of Niš, Darko Bulatović, said that everything that the city was supposed to do was done within the deadline.
- According to the assessment of the Ministry and the Institute of Public Health, everything has been done successfully and our task now is to continue providing logistics support and supplying, within our competence, in order for this facility to function in the best possible way, said the Mayor of Niš, adding that simultaneously the adaptation of smaller spaces in two schools, “Duško Radović“ and “Mika Antić“, is being completed and now they are also ready to receive the infected patients.
- Here, too, in Niš, in cooperation with the Emergency Management Headquarters and the Clinical Centre, we have successfully completed the task of establishing a facility for the medical supervision of persons with mild clinical symptoms - a temporary hospital. An area for the reception and medical treatment of patients has been formed, and additional amenities have been provided - a library, a TV room, a space for engaging in recreational activities, a dining room and sanitary facilities. Through joint efforts, we have created the best possible conditions for the treatment and stay of persons with a mild clinical presentation, said General Tramošljika.
Dr Goran Stanojević, Assistant Director General of the Clinical Centre for Surgery, confirmed that the institution, under the order of the Government of the Republic of Serbia and the Ministry of Health, had taken over the medical supervision, that is, the medical care of patients, who would be treated at the Čair Hall Medical Centre.
- Our patients will be asymptomatic, with mild clinical presentation and the staff, doctors, nurses and hygienists have already been organized, so we are ready to receive the first patients for treatment - said the doctor, adding that they are expected as soon as this press conference finishes, but when exactly - it depends on the situation.
- It may be more intense here in the south of Serbia than it has been so far and that is why we need to be prepared. The conditions created in the Hall, thanks to the Serbian Armed Forces and the Clinical Centre of Niš, are optimal for receiving patients with mild symptoms, and this will be a Centre not only for Niš but also for the surrounding cities. We are aware that we have to endure the next two weeks, until Easter, when we expect a drop, not significant but mild, so that we have a better situation in April, said the well-known epidemiologist, mentioning that this will be possible on the condition that all the people who do not have to go out for work should stay at home.