Minister Vulin: Large response of candidates for serving in the reserve of the Serbian Armed Forces
In the last two years, since the introduction of the possibility for persons over the age of 30 who did not perform military service under arms to undergo appropriate basic training under arms, approximately 1,300 candidates have passed through our training system, through training centres. It is particularly interesting that there is an extremely large response of those who are called up, so the response is in a range between 96 and 88 percent, which shows that people want to serve their army and their country, that they are serious and responsible people who respond when their country calls them for military service - said the Minister of Defence Alexandar Vulin, who attended the training of reserve at the Army Training Centre at the “General Pavle Juričić Šturm” Barracks in Požarevac today.
- The Serbian Armed Forces are proud of each one of them. We are grateful for the time they devote to us, for their interest, their discipline and their dedication, and we are also grateful to their families for supporting them in this. With 1,300 people who have undergone appropriate training the Serbian Armed Forces are stronger – Minister Vulin concluded.
After the briefing of the Commander of the Centre Colonel Milovan Vasić, Minister Vulin attended the training of army, artillery, armoured units and engineering reserve at the training ground.
- Here in the Centre, we conduct the training of reservists, future howitzer 122 mm D30J operators. Last year they completed a 15-day training in the centres where they received basic individual training, and here they are undergoing a 15-day specialist training for operating this type of howitzer. These are reservists aged 30 to 60, all employed, family men. They take this very seriously and act responsibly and they learn fast – Second Lieutenant Glišić pointed out.
One of the soldiers in training is Private Srđan Šolajić from the Engineering Training Company. As he pointed out, the training is very interesting and so far they have carried out shooting practices and drilling with explosive devices. He states that the commanding officers are very professional and are full of understanding for them. He also says that he has made a lot of friends and will stay in touch with them after he returns home.
Talking about the training, Private Marković pointed out that he is quite satisfied with the way it is being carried out, stressing that the commanding officers are professional and motivate them to learn as much as possible during the training.
Deputy Commander of the Training Command, Brigadier General Jelesije Radivojević and the Head of the Department for Defence Obligations, Colonel Dragan Kotarlić also attended the training of reserve today.