Minister Vulin: the Military Academy is the pride of the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces
Serbian Armed Forces pay great attention to military education, and each cadet of the Military Academy and each student of the Military Grammar School and the Vocational Military High School should know that the military educational institutions will provide them with the best professors and teachers, very good conditions and secure and stable career – said Minister Vulin during his visit to the newly established classrooms for geographic information system and tactics at the Military Academy. He was accompanied by the Rector of the University of Defence, Lieutenant General Goran Radovanović and the Commandant of the Military Academy, Major General Bojan Zrnić. The minister also attended the Academy Open Day activity organised by the Military Academy every Saturday during the military school student enrolment period.
The Military Academy is the pride of the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces, said the Minister of Defence and reminded that the officers who had finished Military Academy protected their country numerous times, including the time when they fought against NATO aggression.
- We look forward to each new cadet, each military school student and each child whose parents trust their country and our armed forces enough to entrust us with their children. Each parent should know that here they will be looked after by the best – Minister Vulin said.
Nikola Kojić from Vršac was among those who came to the Academy Open Day today to get information about the enrolment at the Military Academy.
- I graduated from the Secondary School of Economics in Alibunar. I have been fond of the Military Academy since childhood, and the presentations held in our school encouraged me to enrol at it – explains Nikola, adding that he is studying hard for the mathematics entrance exam and hopes he will do well on the physical fitness entrance test since he plays sports.
- I’ve wanted to become a pilot since childhood and my parents support my decision. I’ve chosen the Military Academy because it provides the highest quality knowledge and you can make progress there. I am well informed about the enrolment since some of my friends have already enrolled in the Air Force study programme, but I think that it is necessary to have a look at the premises where I will be living in the next five years – Simona points out, not hiding satisfaction with everything she has seen at the Military Academy today.
Dejan Badža is a retired officer and one of the parents who came to give support to his child who wishes to enrol at the Military Academy.
- I have come to give support to my daughter who wants to enrol in the Air Force study programme at the Military Academy. She has my full support, and I wish the best of luck to all other applicants, as the Military Academy provides excellent, professional staff and looks after its students. I will be very glad if my child passes all selection tests and continues her life path in the Serbian Armed Forces – said Dejan Badža, noting that the military vocation is a tradition in his family because his father was also a military.