Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Joint exercise of the members of “Cobras“, “Hawks“ (Sokolovi) , Special Anti-Terrorist Unit (SAJ) and Navy SEALs

Members of the Military Battalion for Special Purposes “Cobras“, Special Brigade’s Anti-Terrorist Battalion “Hawks“, Special Anti-Terrorist Unit of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (SAJ) and members of the American unit for special military operations “Navy SEALs“ performed a demonstration exercise at the “13th March” Training Centre in Batajnica today. The exercise is the final stage of the joint three-week anti-terrorist training of these units.

The final exercise was attended by the Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Serbia and the Minister of Internal Affairs, Nebojša Stefanović, the Assistant Minister for Defence Policy, Milan Ranković, Deputy Commander of the Joint Operations Command, Major General IlijaTodorov, the Commander of the Special Brigade of the Serbian Armed Forces, Brigadier General Miroslav Talijan, the Police Director Vladimir Rebić and the US Deputy Ambassador to Belgrade, Gabriel Escobar.

According to Minister Stefanović, in order to keep up with the world, Serbia will continue to invest further in equipping the police and military special units and exchange experiences with the most elite foreign units.

The US Deputy Ambassador to Belgrade, Gabriel Escobar pointed out that he is proud of the American special forces, adding that the members of the Serbian military and police special units are impressive and of the world calibre.

 The Commander of SAJ assessed the fifth training exercise as successful, and the Commander of U.S. Special Operations Command Europe, Kirk Smith thanked the participants of the joint exercise for their professionalism and people in Serbia for their hospitality.