Minister Vulin: A trained non-commissioned officer is one of the pillars of any armed forces
- A good, satisfied and trained non-commissioned officer is a sure sign that you have good, satisfied and trained armed forces - Minister of Defence Aleksandar Vulin said, who visited NCO Training and Advancement Centre “Milunka Savić” today, in the barracks “Stevica Jovanović”.
- One of the pillars of every military is well trained and motivated non-commissioned officer. Non-commissioned officers proved their worth in all the wars. They are the first who get in contact with future soldier, and they will transfer the most important knowledge and show that soldier how to fight for his country and how to live in the armed forces - said the minister of defence and added that because of that fact the Serbian Armed Forces paid great attention to training of non-commissioned officers cadre, and betterment of their financial status and all those conditions that would motivate them to stay in the military.
Following the report delivered by the Centre Commander, Lieutenant Colonel Saša Pauč, Minister Vulin talked to attenders of the courses at different working points, inquiring about the topics and the course of training, and other living and working conditions, and he also visited a renovated facility within the barracks.
Acting Commander of Training Command Brigadier General Jelesije Radovanović underlined the novelty, introduced after the adoption of new legal solutions, which enabled the Serbian Armed Forces to enrich its ranks.
- An opportunity has been created for all members who wish to tie their future to the Serbian Armed Forces, to attend professional advancement, so that after being professional soldiers, they can become non-commissioned officers, and then continue their advancement and progress in their career - General Radivojević explained.
Sergeant Major Igor Aleksić from the Third Training Centre, posted to the duty of Chief NCO in that unit, is an attender of the 13th Class of Command and Staff Course.
Lance Corporal Marinko Marinković, member of the Mixed Artillery Brigade, has been in the Serbian Armed Forces since September 2014, and in 2019 he completed the leaders course as the second ranking attender.
Sergeant Zoran Germanac, Group Commander in the 11th Infantry Battalion of the First Army Brigade:
Currently, there are three courses that are being conducted in the NCO Training and Advancement Centre “Milunka Savić. Basic and Advanced NCO Courses, and Command and Staff NCO Course.