Secretary General of the President of the Republic laid a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier on Avala
On the occasion of Statehood Day – 15February, Envoy and the Secretary General of the President, Nikola Selaković laid a wreath, with the highest state and military honors, on the Tombof the Unknown Soldier on Avalatoday.
- Serbia celebrates her freedom and independence today! She celebrates those who lit the flame of freedom and those who founded hersovereignty and independence. In this way, she preserves awareness and memory of the importance of these core values. Without freedom there is no Serbia. Without independence, there is no Serbia! By safeguarding a free and independent Serbia today, we are struggling to make her economically stronger, more politically capable, more militarily secure and more respectful in the world. Only such Serbia is a guarantee of happiness and prosperity to each and every citizen and to each and every Serb wherever they may live. Long live Serbia! Long live the Serbian people! –theSecretary General of the President of the Republic wrote in the Memorial Book.
Statehood Day is commemorated in memory of Candlemass Day in 1804, when the First Serbian Uprising was started, and also in memory of the same date in 1835, when the first modern Constitution of Serbiawas adopted.