Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Celebrations of the Day of Strategic Research Institute and Day of Military Archive

Day of Strategic Research Institute and Day of Military Archive - 5th February, was ceremonially marked today, in the barracks “Banjica 2” in Belgrade.
Greeting the present on behalf of Minister of Defence Aleksandar Vulin, State Secretary Aleksandar Živković emphasised that state and society cannot develop without development of science and scientific research, and that there cannot be development of science and scientific research without development of education and upbringing.

- The Strategic Research Institute has met high standards of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, and obtained reaccreditation as a scientific institute of the Republic of Serbia - State Secretary Živković said and stressed that the military scientific and research capacities were traditionally considered to be an important resource of national defence, and that some of the greatest technological, technical and medical achievements had been advanced precisely owing to the contribution of military scientific research.

Director of Strategic Research Institute Jovanka Šaranović PhD underlined that the work of the Institute in the previous period was marked by three projects, the first being “Strategic culture as a determinant of national security in function of support to military neutrality concept” whose first stage of work had been completed. The second project is “Hybrid warfare” in the framework of which a great number of scientific articles was published, while the third project is “Development of professional military organisation 1804-1990”.

- The last year was also marked by a multitude of gatherings and round tables which we organised autonomously or in collaboration with organisational units of the Ministry of Defence. I would single out “Strategic culture”, “20 years from NATO aggression against the FRY” and “Račak case” carried out together with the National Defence School, “The Serbs and Russians in the Second World War” organised together with the members of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation, and the lecture of one of the most famous geopoliticians Alexander Dugin held at the Military Academy - Jovanka Šaranović PhD stated.

The Military Archive has completed a several-year long project “Register of human military and civilian losses of the Kingdom of Serbia in the First World War - Archival material of the Military Archive” for which the Media Centre “Odbrana”, as the publisher, received a Special recognition at the Book fair.

The Strategic Research Institute was established in 1984 in the process of transformation of the Centre of High Military Schools of JNA “Maršal Tito” and the Centre for Strategic Research of the General Staff of JNA into a new scientific-teaching institution.

Predecessor of the Military Archive was a special (third) division within the Main General Staff, which was established on 5th February 1876 by a Decree of the Prince Milan Obrenović, which laid foundation for the first institutionalised work on military history and safeguarding of the entire archives of the Serbian military. Since 2006, the Military Archive is part of the Strategic Research Institute.