Minister Vulin chaired a meeting of the Working Group on Mixed Migration Flows
Minister of Defence and Head of the Migration Working Group Aleksandar Vulin chaired a meeting of the Working Group on Mixed Migration Flows today, and the meeting was attended by Commissioner for Refugees and Migration Vladimir Cucić.
The meeting adopted the 2020 Plan of Response in case of increased influx of migrants, presented and adopted the Report on Migration Flows for the previous year, adopted information on special measure No. 6, as a future way of financing, as well as the Report on the MADAD 2 project for financing of all activities related to migration by the international community.
At the meeting, Minister Vulin emphasised that the Republic of Serbia is one of the few countries in Europe and in general on the migrant route, which throughout the crisis tried to solve this problem within the state system and through the state institutions. He reminded that during the migrant crisis in 2015 and 2016, but also before and after that, we managed to complete everything that was needed without major incidents and without security and health challenges for our citizens and the local community.
At today's meeting, it was once again stated that Serbia has been adequately responding to all the challenges of the migrant crisis for more than seven years, but also that far greater cooperation within the region is needed in order to solve this problem strategically and in the long run. The Republic of Serbia, he emphasised, will closely monitor developments in the area of migrants and the migrant crisis, as the situation became much more complicated in the previous period.
It was also emphasized that a more significant approach of the whole region to the funds for solving the migrant crisis was needed, and that it was necessary to systematically resolve the system of financing all actions related to the approach to solving the migrant crisis.
Today’s meeting was attended by representatives of the Commissariat for Refugees and Migration of the Republic of Serbia, the Ministry of the Interior, the Ministry of Labour, Employment, Veteran and Social Affairs, the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, the Ministry of Defence and the Red Cross of Serbia.