Minister Vulin: The Serbian Armed Forces are ready to respond to every order even in difficult weather conditions
The Serbian Armed Forces are being trained every day, it is never a waste of time and they are always there to preserve our way of life and our Serbia – said Minister of Defense Aleksandar Vulin today after a visit of Special Brigade members, who are conducting training in winter conditions on Kopaonik.
- The process of reforming special brigades is ongoing, but the training process never ends and never stops – said Minister Vulin, pointing out that members of the 72nd and 63rd Special Brigades are the most trained and elite soldiers of the Serbian Armed Forces whose professional development and training processes are constant, as long as they are members of the Serbian Armed Forces.
Lieutenant Colonel Vladimir Stojanović, who performs the duty of Commander of the interim Command during the training at Kopaonik, explains that training of members of the Special Brigade in winter conditions is also carried out at Kopaonik and in wider areas of peacetime deployment.
- In the first part of today’s presentation we demonstrated the operation of the reconnaissance bodies in the winter conditions, which is part of the training implemented by all units of the Special Brigade. The second part shows search and rescue training carried out by specialized teams of the Special Brigade, while in the third segment we saw the content of training in alpine skiing, which is also implemented by all Special Brigade units – said Lieutenant Colonel Stojanović.
He points out that the 51st Kopaonik Ski Area offers excellent living and working conditions for members of the Special Brigade, both for alpine skiing training and sabotage training in winter.
- The timely decision of the commander was to neutralize the enemy. You could see the tactical work of the reconnaissance patrol and the sub-groups that the patrol consisted of, such as the attack sub-group and the security sub-group. After neutralizing the enemy, a segment of the reconnaissance patrol withdrawal was shown and further work continued – explained Miletić, adding that the entire manpower was equipped with special assets necessary for the accomplishment of tasks in winter conditions.
Today’s presentation of part of the training of members of the Special Brigade in winter conditions was also attended by Commander of the Special Brigade, Brigadier General Miroslav Talijan.