Republika Srpska decorated Minister Vulin with the Order of the Flag with a gold wreath
On the occasion of 9 January, Day of Republika Srpska, President of Republika Srpska, Željka Cvijanović awarded the Serbian Minister of Defense Aleksandar Vulin with the Order of the Republika Srpska Flag with a gold wreath for the efforts and merits in international cooperation and consolidation of peace, personal results and achievements, as well as contribution to the development of the overall relations between the Republic of Serbia and Republika Srpska.
- And that is why, not without reason, when the president of all the Serbs, Aleksandar Vučić, says that “Oluja” (“Storm”), Jasenovac, Jadovno, or “martovski pogrom” (“March massacre”) will never happen again, then listen to him well and understand him well, he is voicing for you what all the Serbian people think, what the Serbian state thinks. This is what all Serbs are saying, united in their obstinate determination to survive, to remain, to be stronger, to be more secure and to decide for themselves what their children will be called, what language they will speak, what alphabet they will use for writing and how they will get married, baptized, how they will rejoice in their Serbian Orthodox Church – emphasized Minister Vulin.
Noting that both Serbia and Republika Srpska have changed for the better, Minister Vulin said that “we Serbs can only be defeated when we defeat ourselves. Republika Srpska was created by Serbs and can only be lost by Serbs through debates and disunion, by serving strangers and foreigners, believing that power, wellbeing, respect reside among those who do not speak your language. Only the Serbs can lose Republika Srpska and that is why I know that they will never lose it at all,” Minister Vulin emphasized.
He reiterated that Republika Srpska may not have its own armed forces, but the Serbian people do have their own armed forces.
- Republika Srpska does have her guardian and protector, she has someone to invest in her factories, to support her government, to help Serbs wherever they may live. Republika Srpska has her Serbia and Serbia has her Republika Srpska. Serbia respects Bosnia and Herzegovina, respects and guarantees the Dayton Agreement, but Serbia above all loves her Republika Srpska – Minister Vulin said.
According to him, nowhere is Republika Srpska loved so much nor more proudly observed as in places where it is difficult for Serbs and where Serbs suffer.
- That is why we know how much Serbs in Kosovo and Metohija today rejoice for their Republika Srpska and the elected right of the Serbian people to decide for themselves, their future and their children. That is why we know how much Serbs in Montenegro rejoice for their Republika Srpska when, as no other people in Europe, they have to fight for their right to pray in the same church where their father and grandfathers prayed, to pray in the same church, in the Serbian Orthodox church, not to register it in police stations as if it had been created yesterday, as if it were some kind of non-governmental organization – emphasized Minister Vulin.
As the Minister of Defense pointed out, no one is more proud of Republika Srpska than her Serbia, Serbia which, under the leadership of Aleksandar Vučić, has decided to put Republika Srpska in her most significant documents.
- Until now, in the Defense Strategy, in our laws, in the words of the National Assembly and the President, Republika Srpska and all Serbs, wherever they may live, have not been mentioned more often as our top priority, as something that is unchangeable, secure, indivisible. Everything can change in politics, but Serbia’s determination to protect the Serbs wherever they may live and to preserve and promote Republka Srpska remains constant and unchangeable. Everything that Serbs outside Serbia do not have, everything that Republika Srpska does not have, their and her Serbia has – Minister Vulin said.