Minister Vulin: The Serbian Armed Forces are guardian of traditional family values
Since stimulating measures were introduced for members of the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces in January 2018, 1500 babies have been born and 500 marriages entered into. Minister of Defence Aleksandar Vulin, talking with families of soldiers underscored that the Serbian Armed Forces were the guardian of traditional, family values and that it would do all to make parenthood easier for their members.
Minister Vulin rewarded Second Lieutenant Stefan Vukadinović for jubilean birth of a child with a seven-day stay with families in the establishments of the Military Establishment “Tara”, and for jubilean marriage he rewarded a couple - Sergeant Major Grujica and Corporal Sunčica Radovanović and the Second Lieutenant Stefan Azarić.
- I commend the stimulating measures by which the Ministry of Defence helps to overcome difficult periods and bear more easily the enlargement of the family - Second Lieutenant Vukadinović points out and adds that his wife is a great support in everything, and that the time he spends with his family is precious to him.
Apart from the work in the Signals and IT Training Centre, Second Lieutenant Vukadinović achieves notable sport results. He was the state champion in athletics on several occasions in 200 and 400 metre races, and in 2015 he participated in the World Military Games in South Korea. He says that he enjoys support and understanding in everything that he achieves from his family and the Ministry of Defence and Serbian Armed Forces.
A Platoon Commander in the First Training Centre in Sombor, Second Lieutenant Stefan Azarić stresses that 2019 will be a year to remember for many reasons.
- For me, 2019 was the most successful year ever. I was promoted to the first officer rank, I got married in November, and this is reason why I am here, since it is the 500th marriage in the Serbian Armed Forces. We expect a child in our family so I will continue celebrating in 2020 as well - Second Lieutenant Azarić states.
Patriotism, love for the armed forces, and family tradition have drawn Second Lieutenant Azarić from Banjaluka to the military ranks.
- My father is an officer. I am an officer and I have a younger brother who is at the third year of the Military Academy. Our father has already achieved a rich career, and we, the younger ones, plan on staying in Serbia and in the Serbian Armed Forces - said Second Lieutenant Azarić and underlined that he was satisfied with the fact that the Ministry of Defence and Serbian Armed Forces showed that they cared about their members through different incentives.
Radovanović couple, employed in the First Storage Battalion of the Central Logistic Base in Požega, point out that the measures taken by the Ministry of Defence and Serbian Armed Forces for the betterment of their members’ lives were important.
For Sergeant Major Radovanović, who has been in the armed forces for 25 years, particularly important is the fact that the military equally supports both individuals and families, while his spouse Sunčica adds that to her, as a mother and professional soldier, it means a lot that her colleagues and collective are good to her and have understanding whenever she requires something.
- All measures that the Ministry of Defence and Serbian Armed Forces take to encourage us to be more successful are highly stimulating and we hope that it will continue in the future, because we are better and better because of it - Corporal Sunčica Radovanović underscored and thanked Minister Vulin for New Year gifts which he had presented to her children.
The reception hosted by the minister of defence was attended by Acting Commander of Training Command Brigadier General Jelesije Radivojević.