Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Alexander Grushko visited “Odbrana 78” Exhibition
The Deputy Foreign Minister of the Russian Federation, Alexander Grushko, visited “Odbrana 78” (“Defense 78”) Exhibition today, accompanied by the State Secretary Aleksandar Živković and Ambassador Alexander Bocan-Harchenko. The Exhibition is organized by the Ministry of Defense and the Serbian Armed Forces on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of defense against the NATO aggression.
Speaking about impressions after visiting the “Defense 78” Exhibition, Deputy Minister Grushko said that he believed that every honest man should visit this Exhibition.
- The Exhibition is at the same time a testament to the extraordinary courage, invincible spirit, strength of the Serbian people and a terrible lesson for all humanity. A lesson from which only one conclusion should be drawn: this must not be repeated. The eternal memory of all who gave their lives for the freedom of Yugoslavia, for their peaceful country. No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten. A big thank you for having the opportunity to see this exhibition and thank you for remembering these terrible days in this way – said Deputy Minister Grushko.
The exhibit depicts the country’s heroic defense during the 78 days of NATO aggression in a unique manner; an aggression which began with the attack on FR Yugoslavia on 24 March 1999, without the approval of the United Nations Security Council and is dedicated to the fallen military, police and civilian victims, including, unfortunately, a number of children.