Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Lecture of Russian Geo-Politician Professor Dugin at the University of Defence

One of the most famous philosophers, sociologists and geopoliticians of the present, Professor Aleksandr Gelyevich Dugin held a lecture today at the University of Defence dedicated to Eurasian geopolitical discourse and security of European area. The lecture was organised by the Strategic Research Institute.
Today’s lecture of Professor Dugin was attended by State Secretary Aleksandar Živković, Dean of the University of Defence Lieutenant General Goran Radovanović, Head of the Military Academy Major General Bojan Zrnić, members of the University of Defence, attenders of the National Defence School, General Staff and Command Staff Courses and numerous other representatives of academic community.
Speaking about the world order that we live in, since, as he says “it is very important in order to understand current security and defence threats and challenges”, Professor Dugin stated that we lived in transition from a unipolar to multipolar order.
Reminding that over the last 30-40 years we witnessed the interchange between three world orders: bipolar system – with capitalist and socialist factors being decisive ones; unipolar moment – with predominance of the West, which by means of globalisation, managed to convince the world that their values are universal for all, and, finally, there is the multipolar system – which is being evolved.
Professor Dugin explains that each of those systems had essentially changed and was changing the meaning of the notion of security, defence, terrorism, and threats, both internal and external. The emerging multipolar world already has got a Eurasian Russia, West, China, which as different civilisations live one next to the other and limit each other not only by the boundaries of their territories but their interests as well – Professor Dugin points out and adds that there is a possibility for India and Islamic world which does not have its unique state to emerge as actors of political multipolarity.
Today’s Russia, which, led by President Putin, advocates for the multipolar world, does not consider Europe or America to be enemies – Professor Dugin said and added that Russia did not fight against the West, but against globalism and that the West was Russia’s ally in all the spheres in which it accepted the existence of other civilisations.
Instancing Serbia, Russian geopolitician explains that within multipolar world everything that poses threat to Serbian sovereignty – represents a definition of foreign threat to its defence, and that those who work on weakening its state integrity represent internal threat. In that way – Dugin states- it is easy to define terrorism in the multipolar world. Terrorists are those – Dugin concludes – who despite the law and legal system are trying using force to change the order in Serbia,  not those who are proclaimed to be terrorists by either West or Russia.