Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Minister Vulin: The world’s greatest problem is non-existence of international law

“The greatest problem of the world is not economy, or terrorism, nor climatic changes. The only, almost unresolvable problem of the world is disappearance of international law. Lack of clear rules which are observed by all”, said Minister of Defence Aleksandar Vulin giving speech at the panel “Interests of small and middle sized countries and common security” at 9th Xiangshan Forum in Beijing in which he participates at the invitation of Vice-President of Central Military Commission General Zhang Youxia. Having reminded the present of NATO aggression against Serbia in 1999 when international law was murdered and of the attempts of great Western powers to find justification for their crime and create a false state of Kosovo despite UN Resolution 1244 and “Armed Forces of Kosovo” led by terrorists, Minister Vulin stressed that preservation of world peace required a reorganisation of the UN or a coalition of the willing who would agree to international law being applied to them regardless of their strength.

“That is why my Serbia, bravely led by President Aleksandar Vučić, will remain militarily neutral and we will justify to no one why we are procuring equipment and arms. We have learnt that we have to be strong enough so that no one will covet our land and our water. Through Partnership for Peace, Serbia will cooperate with NATO Alliance, it will cooperate with CSTO as an observer and it will not allow anyone to jeopardise its friendship of steel with China, Russia, Belarus, and all free people and nations. Serbia will not join any alliance because we have decided never to do to others what was done to us. We will never attack any free and small people. Serbia will do almost everything for peace. For freedom, Serbia will do everything” Minister Vulin stressed.
He said that China would never be successful if it were not free. “There are no rich slaves. Serbia will remain militarily neutral. And we will not choose. However, if the powerful ones make us choose, let them watch carefully what the Serbs have chosen because the Serbs are never on the wrong side of the world. Many of the powerful ones are”.
Minister Vulin reminded the present at the panel that the majority of countries had experienced the horrors of terrorist attacks and that the majority of participants in the Conference had seen in their countries dismembered bodies of their children, women, soldiers, but that only Serbia had experienced that the most powerful countries of the world had united to kill us as though they had been a terrorist organisation. “Twenty years ago, NATO Alliance conducted aggression against a free and sovereign country, my Serbia. They tried to kill Serbia, but they killed international law instead. Serbia survived but international law did not. Like every great crime, NATO aggression is even today trying to find justification and they are trying to create a false state that they call Kosovo on the body of my country. Despite UN Resolution 1244, they recognised the false state Kosovo, and now the great powers of the west, that did it, want to create “Armed Forces of Kosovo” as well. They say that they are doing it to preserve peace. They say that the army led by terrorists will be armed with heavy weapons. When they say that they are doing it to preserve peace it is stupid and hypocritical just like it is when you say that you are going to put a viper in a baby’s crib and say that it is environmentally smart” Minister Vulin said.
NATO bombardment of Serbia warned and awoke the world. NATO bombardment showed that unipolar world was the worst form of ruling the planet. In 1999, they started talking about human rights so they bombarded Serbia. The world has learnt that every story about human rights ends in killing people. Whenever you hear them talking about universal rights about which you know nothing, which your people neither sees nor desires, but which they will impose, know that they have come for your country, for your oil, for your raw materials. Where there are no raw materials, there is no violation of human rights. When you hear that they are trying to change history, to teach us that all were equal in the Second World War, to equate victims and executioners, to shamefully try to equate the winners and the defeated, communism and fascism, know that they want to change history yet again, to repeat it and re-establish “higher” and “lower” races. Those who decide and the ones who should be obliterated”, said Serbian minister of defence in his speech. He emphasised that “great powers, which have recognised Kosovo, are trying to create “Greater Albania”, state that is to unite all Albanians, at the same time forbidding the Serbs, my people, to make decisions on their own. All those who remain silent at the attempts to create “Greater Albania” should know that they are taking responsibility for the evil that may arise from that horrific idea”.
His answer to the question if there is a solution for the world peace, was that he did not believe that there was one and that the United Nations, such as they were, did not have answers to new questions as well. “It is either required to conduct their reform or to create a coalition of the willing, willing for peace, not war; the willing who would agree to be subject to international law, regardless of their strength. Sincerely, I do not believe that it will happen. If the Second World War with 50 million dead did not teach us everything that we should do to preserve peace, nothing ever will”.
This time, just like at the last year’s Security forum in Beijing, the address of the Serbian minister of defence attracted a great attention of the hosts, participants and media.