Jubilee of the National Library “Veljko Petrović”in Bačka Palanka
Today, an official ceremony was held in National Library “Veljko Petrović” in Bačka Palanka to mark 150th anniversary of the librarian work of that area, which that library continues to cherish.
Main guest of the jubilee celebration was Minister of Defence Aleksandar Vulin, announced as a native writer, who a decade before, had promoted his novel “The Dark” in the library “Veljko Petrović”.
Congratulating the important jubilee to the hosts and gathered book-lovers, Minister Vulin wished that the library continued to last, and for its fellow-citizens to understand what they had, the value of what they had and how much they should appreciate it.
- I wish you to last beyond these times, which, just like the times of Alexandrian library, seem to be the final. Man has always thought that something appeared that will replace the written word and book completely and for good, and man was always wrong when he thought that – Minister Vulin said.
Recalling his visits to the National Library in Bačka Palanka, Minister Vulin underlined that he had always remembered that place by the sense of freedom, the feeling that one could always say what he thought, felt, and that one had not had to change one’s position or belief.
- I do not know what kind of writer I am, and that is less important, but I know that I was greatly honoured when I had an opportunity and freedom to say what I thought and felt in front of many of you – Minister Vulin said and shared his belief that, regardless of the technological advances, the people would always return to books which could be carried in pockets of a coat, on the pages of which something could be written down, and which could be kept.
Minister Vulin pointed out that books were important and great – greater and more important that the people who had created it, and the most important and the greatest because something which shined through time always remained after the ones who had written it even when the author was no more.
- A book always knows more than its writer and a book always reveals you, lays you bare and shows that you are not like you thought you were, but what your really are like – Minister Vulin said, and stated that owing to its existence and lasting the library had opened an entire new world to many.
Director of the institution, Academic painter Miladin Zorić spoke about the long and rich history of the librarian activity in Bačka Palanka and the jubilee marked in the library “Veljko Petrović”.
Zorić pointed out that the National Library “Veljko Petrović” was very important institution of culture with almost 7000 members and with literary fund of around 215,000 publications. Also, he reminded that apart from the one in the town, the library has 13 branches in every inhabited place of the municipality.
After the celebration, which included performance of artists from Drama Studio “Ars Liberi” Olјa Nađ and Nenad Erečković, and the town choir “Zvono”, Minister Vulin signed the Memorial Book.
- Even in harder times you were free and unhindered by fear as it becomes the books that you safeguard and the people who you educate. Remain like that – Minister Vulin wrote.
The National Library in Bačka Palanka, which has since 1977 been bearing the name of the poet, narrator, essayist and historian of arts Veljko Petrović, cherishes the tradition of literature and reading of that area initiated in 1869 by establishment of Serbian Reading Room in then Stara Palanka.