Minister Vulin: Serbian unity is the best answer to security challenges
- The best answer to all security challenges is Serbian unity. Serbs must be unanimous, they must think and consider things with a single head, from one center and upon a common good, Minister of Defense Aleksandar Vulin said today, answering a journalist’s question about the best way to respond regionally to security challenges.
He emphasized that it mustn’t be that some of the Serbs, wherever they may live, are enduring, suffering, being abused, are denied their basic rights, and the rest claim that it was fine and that things are good.
- It is not. We have learned that the manner in which you treat the Serbs that live in your countries, is the attitude you have towards Serbia. The way you consider and how you treat the Serbs you live with outside the borders of Serbia, that is what you would do to Serbia and what your position towards her is. Serbia knows that, and that is why no important or big political decision made by President Vučić was made before all the Serbs, wherever they may live, were consulted and without discussing carefully and at length with each them, without taking into account how that particular decision would affect the Serbs, wherever they may live. We are one and we should consider the most important national issues in the same manner. It goes without saying that, all Serbs, wherever they may live, must be in political, cultural and every other unity with their core, with their Belgrade. This is the only way. Should we believe that each of us can individually fight and achieve our interests – this will not happen and they will disappear, as the Serbs who have turned away from their Belgrade have always disappeared, the Minister of Defense stressed.