Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Exhibition match of former national team players and members of the Ministry of Defense and the Serbian Armed Forces

Former national team players and professional basketball players of the Republic of Serbia played an exhibition match today with the members of the Ministry of Defense and the Serbian Armed Forces at the Military Academy Sports Center.

Minister of Defense,Aleksandar Vulin and Commandant of the Military Academy, Major General BojanZrnić, PhDattended the match and today’s visit to the Sports Center.

Before weighing strength on the basketball court, the basketball players also visited the Air pistol shooting range, where members of the Serbian Armed Forces prepare for shooting competitions in which they achieve remarkable results. Already renowned for their precision shot, during thevisit to the shooting range, our basketball players had the opportunity to test their precision in handling weapons.

Among the basketball players who visited the Military Academy today was Marko Kešelj; after the game he said that he had an exciting day at the Academy.

- We had the opportunity to participate in a shooting practice, where competent and expert people showed us how to use firearms. But after that we moved to the sports hall, to “our turf”, where we had the honor of playing a game in front of the cadets of the Military Academy; there, our team was already scoring a little better. The result was not the priority, we had a great time, and we had a very nice day –Kešeljemphasized, adding that the members of the Ministry of Defense presented themselves as heartycompetitors and demonstrated an important, ever present quality – neverto give up.

Basketball player Nikola Dragović, who thanked the members of the Military Academyfor their hospitality, communicated excellent impression of today’s events.
- This was my first time at a shooting range, and I was thrilled to try the shooting and the simulator - Dragovićsaid, adding that the members of the Ministry of Defense and the Serbian Armed Forces proved themselves on their own field, and also demonstrated that they were excellent and heartysportsmen.

In addition to Kešelj and Dragović, NenadKrstić, Ivan Paunić, Luka Mitrović, Marko Ribićand NemanjaProtićalso showed their skills in the sports arena today.
Speaking about the impressions of today’s meeting on behalf of the Ministry of Defense and the Serbian Armed Forces team, Sergeant First Class NenadPantoš expressed immense satisfaction on his own behalf and on behalf of his colleagues that former representatives and professional basketball players rendered this match so special.

- First, we did our best to demonstrate our skills at theshooting range, and after that the national team players and their colleagues showed us their skills during the game. Who would win was not the priority this time, and it was a fair fight – saidSergeant First Class Pantoš, adding that he was pleased that during the game the atmospherewas exceptional.

He also thanked our basketball players for taking the time to contribute to today’s sporting event, as well as to Minister Vulin, who initiated the activity and recognized the importance of sports in the Ministry of Defense and the Serbian Armed Forces.

- I would like to see such much more exhibition matchesin other sports as well, and I hope that we will have more success and that in this way sports will be more popularized in the Armed Forces, and bring Ministry of Defense and the Serbian Armed Forcescloser to civilian structures –saidSergeant First Class Pantoš.
The players from both teams were cheered on by the cadets of the Military Academy, who had the opportunity to take pictures and socialize with their favorite sportsmenafter the game.