Multinational exercise“Balkan Bridges 2019”
Members of the Serbian Armed Forces are participating in a multinational command-staff exercise using computer simulations “Balkan Bridges 2019”, taking place simultaneously in seven countries of the region between 30 September and4October.

The aim of the exercise is to promote mutual understanding, trust and cooperation between the participating countries and to improve the interoperability of the Armed Forces of the countries of the region in the field of training using computer simulations.
The exercise covered the work of a multinational Battalion in a peacekeeping operation, with an emphasis on a comprehensive approach to task resolution in the zone of operations and cooperation with governmental and non-governmental organizations, the media and local governments.
Deputy Head of Exercise at the headquarters in Bulgaria is Head of the Simulation Training Center of the Training and Doctrine Department of the General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces, Colonel MićoBranković, while Head of the Exercise Center in Serbia is Deputy Head of the Center, Colonel Radovan Babić.
Representatives of the Red Cross of Serbia are also participating in a separate exercise site at the Simulation Training Center in Belgrade.