“Red Star” First Team Members Visited the Guard and 204th Air Brigade
The first team players of the football club “Red Star”, led by the club President Svetozarom Mijailovićem, visited today the Guard of the Serbian Armed Forces in the barracks “Dedinje” and AF and AD units of the Serbian Armed Forces at the airfield “Colonel-Pilot Milenko Pavlović” in Batajnica.
During the visit to the Guard, the management and players of the “Red Star” were welcomed by the Guard Commander Major General Milomir Todorović who presented the rich history of this elite unit. Honorary company of the Guard was presented to the guest, as well as motorcycles and ceremonial vehicles of older generation, and they also visited facilities for religious services and Memorial room of the Serbian Armed Forces Guard.
Manager of Technical Staff of “Red Star” Vladan Milojević expressed gratitude on behalf of the players, technical staff and management of the club for an extraordinary opportunity to visit, as he sad, one of the most elite units of the Serbian Armed Forces, and see the soldiers and officers who protect them and our country.
Gratitude for today’s visit to members of Serbian Armed Forces was also expressed by Nenad Milijaš, Assistant Coach of the “Red Star”.
- I am very glad both personally and for the Football Club “Red Star” for having the chance to hear something more about the history of our Guard, because I believe that it is a great honour a privilege. I am glad for foreign footballers who have come here, since it is very important that they as well learn the history of our armed forces and our country - Milijaš underscored.
The management and footballers of the club “Red Star” then had an opportunity to be transported by helicopter to the airfield “Colonel-Pilot Milenko Pavlović” in Batajnica, where they were welcomed by Air Force and Air Defence Commander Major General Duško Žarković and Commander of 204th Air Brigade Colonel Bane Krnjajić.
As Colonel Krnjajić pointed out, the 204th Air Brigade has a wide cooperation with civilian structures and institutions, among other with sport organisations and clubs, and today, it is the Club “Red Star” which is an extraordinary honour.
- We have brought them here by helicopter, and they had a brief panoramic flight above the city, and now, they are touring the airfield, where they will observe a segment of flight programme which is in the framework of the preparations for the upcoming promotion of the youngest officers of the Serbian Armed Forces – Colonel Krnjajić underlined, adding that the cooperation with sport clubs and institutions was very important, having in mind that sport is very important and integral part of life of all members of the armed forces.
- This is a great experience for the boys who also belong to elite and we are grateful to the Serbian Armed Forces for the reception and the opportunity to be introduced to the latest equipment possessed by our Air Force - Krnjajić said.
- It is always nice to hear something about our history, which we have to cherish, and we have to mention it and deal with it, because there is no future without history. I have gained a new experience of flying in a helicopter; this has been the first time for me and it was really exciting - Vulić said.