Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Minister Vulin visits Military Geography Institute

Minister of Defence Aleksandar Vulin, accompanied by Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces, Major General Petar Cvetković, has visited today the scientific-research institution of Military Geography Institute, whose main task is provision of geo-topographic material for the needs of the defence system.
Today's visit was an opportunity for the minister of defence to assure himself of the competence, motivation and high expertise of the employees at the oldest institute in our military.
After briefing of the deputy head of the Military Geography Institute, Lieutenant Colonel Radoje Banković, PhD, minister Vulin visited the production departments of the aerial photo-imaging, 2D and 3D mapping systems, showing field data processing and final mapping, as well as the Institute's Memorial Room.
Speaking about the Institute, Lieutenant Colonel Banković pointed out that significant funds had been invested in the previous period to improve its work, noting that a plane for aero-photo imaging, camera and a Leader imaging sensor with associated equipment had been purchased.
- We are expecting four significant equipment-related projects, namely equipment for the production of geographic material, a closed metrology testing site, a geo-portal of the Military Geography Institute and the Data Centre, intended for data storage not only for the needs of MGI, but for the the entire defence system – Lieutenant Colonel Banković emphasised, adding that the investment in equipment would not have the effect without the work and dedication of the Institute's trained and highly motivated staff.
Lieutenant Colonel Banković emphasized that MGI, as an accredited research and development institute, cooperates with more than 20 colleges and universities, and they also work on projects such as ‘National Atlas’ with the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts as well as the project ‘Encyclopaedia of the Republic of Serbia’ with Matica Srpska.
Today's visit was also attended by Chief of the Intelligence and Reconnaissance Department of the General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces, Brigadier General Miroljub Čupić, Commander of the Central Logistic Base, Brigadier General Petar Latković, and Chief of the Private Office of the Minister of Defence, Brigadier General Siniša Kresović.
The Military Geography Institute is one of the oldest institutions in our military. It was established on 5th February 1876, as the Second (Geography) Department of the Main General Staff of the Serbian Army. In 1920, the department grew into the Geography Institute (in 1923 into the Military Geography Institute) – the first military institution to carry the name “institute”. The first map that emerged as a result of the institution's operation is the 1:300,000 South Morava Basin Map, which was published in 1881.