Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Minister Vulin Received a Scroll of Honour by the Serbian Neurosurgical Society

Today, Minister of Defence Aleksandar Vulin met the President of Serbian Neurosurgical Society Professor Lukas Rasulić MD, who presented the minister with a scroll of honour of the Serbian Neurosurgical Society for the contribution to development of neurosurgery in the Republic of Serbia, friendship and support. The reason for this was successful cooperation in the organisation of the World Congress of Neurosurgeons which was held in the Guard Club in Topčider.
As Professor Rasulić pointed out, the occasion for that day’s meeting was expressing gratitude on behalf of the Society, to the Ministry of Defence and Government of the Republic of Serbia for all the support rendered and which they were rendering to all the activities organised by that Society in domain of development of Serbian neurosurgery and acquiring new knowledge for the benefit of all the patients, both civilian and military.
- The meeting was highly successful, and it also provided an opportunity for a discussion on the ideas and plans for the future, and about activities of the Society that will be organised in Serbia by the end of the year, one of them being the 5th Annual meeting of Neurosurgical Society with international participation which is going to take place in Kragujevac – Professor Rasulić underlined.
He also stressed that during that day’s meeting he had offered that the following annual meeting of the Neurosurgical Society with international participation should be dedicated to military neurosurgery, and that the initiative, as he added, was supported by the Ministry of Defence.
The meeting was attended by Head of Military Health Department Brigadier General Uglješa Jovičić MD and Head of Private Office of the minister of defence Brigadier General Siniša Kresović.