Humanity and Bravery of Corporal Stojanović
Minister Vulin: The Serbian Armed Forces are always there for all those who need help
Today, Minister of Defence Aleksandar Vulin received a member of the 25th Military Police Battalion of the Serbian Armed Forces Guard, Corporal Slaviša Stojanović and congratulated him on brave and humane behaviour which Stojanović had shown on 30th July this year when he participated in rescuing injured passengers from a bus on the bus line 78 in which an air compressor had exploded.
Corporal Stojanović was on his way to the Military Medical Academy for a medical check-up and he got on the bus at the bus stop near “Autokomanda”. As he says, he got on the bus through “that very door in the middle” above which the air compressor exploded several stops later.
- The explosion was strong and at that moment I felt fragments of broken glass on my arms. In that commotion everybody started jumping out through windows so I had to shout to the driver to open the door so that there would not be more of the injured passengers. In front of myself I saw a woman with blood on her head and three women who had fallen over her and I realised that I should get them out urgently - explains the member of the Military Police and underlines that only few bus passengers remained calm to be able to help him and that only the staff of a nearby shop ran to help and girls from a pharmacy in front of which everything was taking place.
Corporal Stojanović has been working in the Serbian Armed Forces for 22 years. He modestly points out that the behaviour which he displayed is implied since the members of the armed forces are trained not to be surprised by any life situation.
- We are members of the armed forces, we have to be always ready, to defend the state, to assist people. That is one of our tasks - Corporal Stojanović stressed.
At the reception, Minister Vulin stated that the Serbian Armed Forces were proud of all their members and people who were always ready to help anyone who was in need of help.
- Whenever you see a uniform, you know that you are secure, safe. Whenever you see a soldier on the bus, at bus stop, in a shop, on the street, in everyday life, you know that your state is there, your military and that you have someone to rely on in the moment of trouble. This event also confirms the need for all of us to go back to the knowledge which we have neglected for no reason; forgotten - Minister Vulin stressed and sent the message that civil protection and military should at least through system educate citizens to administer first aid and know to assists those in need.
Minister Vulin pointed out that the member of the Serbian Armed Forces had showed how trained and ready he was, but most importantly he had shown how humane he was.
For his brave and humane deed, Minister Vulin rewarded Corporal Stojanović with a seven-day stay with one family member in one of facilities of the Ministry of Defence and Serbian Armed Forces used for vacation and recreation on the Tara mountain.
Deputy Commander of the 25th Military Police Battalion of the Serbian Armed Forces Guard, Lieutenant Colonel Nenad Papović states that Corporal Slaviša Stojanović represents a true example of what a soldier should be like.
- Corporal Slaviša Stojanović represents an example of self-sacrifice, professional relation who approaches all his tasks responsibly and in accordance with what has been stipulated, and that is the code of honour of the members of the Serbian Armed Forces. He, as a member of the Guard and Military Police, is very highly motivated to execute all the tasks and he represents a true example of what a soldier should be like - Lieutenant Papović said.
Today’s reception was attended by Deputy Commander of the Joint Operations Command Major General Ilija Todorov, Head of Department of Military Police Brigadier General Rajko Milovanović and Head of the Private Office of the Minister of Defence Brigadier General Siniša Kresović.