Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Literary competition “Soldier – the pride of Serbia”

Ceremonial reception and presentation of awards for the competition “Soldier – the pride of Serbia” was organized today at the Student Resort “Radojka Lakić” in Belgrade. The competition, aimed at promoting the military vocation, was announced by the Ministry of Defense in cooperation with the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development.

The prize-winning students were addressed by the Head of the Department of Moral and Psychology at the Human Resources Department of the General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces, Colonel Miroljub Mićić, who pointed out how important it is to develop patriotic awareness and love for the country in our children.

- This is a project that should spark in you, young people, that seed and that love to grow in you through life and to remain a part of you eternally. You do not have to wear a uniform or to be soldiers, but it is certain that you need to love your country. I think that this is the way to do it – Colonel Mićić pointed out.
On this occasion, he gave Certificates and books to the best authors.

On behalf of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, Mrs. Jasmina Đelić, Head of the Department for Coordination of School Management, addressed the participants. Congratulating the children who participated, she pointed out that 415 students applied for the contest which was on voluntary bases, and that those who decided to write about this topic did not think about the ratings, rather did it from the heart. She also said that it was a pleasure to work with the Ministry of Defense and the Serbian Armed Forces, expressing gratitude for contributing to the educational impact on the young in this way.

Students from elementary and high schools from all over Serbia participated in the competition. Following the first selection of student works on the subject, 165 works were sent to the commission of the Ministry of Defense and Serbian Armed Forces, out of which 20 most beautiful literary compositions were selected, 10 from elementary and 10 from high schools. Authors of the best works won a three-day stay in Belgrade.

During their stay in Belgrade, the awarded students will visit the Military Academy, the Military Museum and the Museum of Aeronautics, accompanied by two teachers and responsible persons from the General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces.