Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Promotion of study “Yugoslav Armed Forces in 1999 Defense War”

In the Central Military Club in Belgrade, the study “Yugoslav Armed Forces in 1999 Defense War” in the edition of the Generals’ and Admirals’ Club of Serbia, co-financed by the Ministry of Defense was presented to the public. In order to point to the role of the armed forces in the defense of the country and its citizens at the 20th anniversary of the aggression, the organizers of this extensive two-volume publication have gathered testimonials of more than 50 commanders at strategic and tactical levels, planners, organizers and direct participants of extremely complex and efficient combat actions against the enemy forces. The study provides a detailed account of the results of these efforts.

The subject of the study, the heroic defense of the country and examples of the outstanding and superhuman courage of soldiers and their commanders and commanders in combat positions, inspired great public attention. Therefore, the Central Military Club was too small to receive all fans of memoir and historical publications who had the desire to learn the details on heroic feats of members of the FRY armed forces in the defense of the country over the 78 days of unequal and extremely cruel NATO aggression.
Retired generals and admirals introduced  the study: Luka Kastratović, PhD, Head of the Editorial Board, Radovan Tomanović, PhD, Editor-in-Chief , Boško Antić, PhD, reviewer of the study, Milorad Obradović and Spasoje Smiljanić, co-authors and Milomir Miladinović, President of the Assembly the Generals’ and Admirals’ Club.
- This study is a study of truth, in which the highest officers in the Yugoslav Armed Forces and the Ministry of Defense provided precise explanations, data, spontaneous responses and memories about possible disputable and disputed issues in this defensive war. The study forbears oblivion, opposes historical impunity and fends off injustice, since this war was unfair for multiple reasons, said General Luka Kastratović.

- The scientific goal stemmed from the need to verify the truth about the heroic defense and the engagement of the Yugoslav Armed Forces and the Ministry of Defense in the NATO aggression based on the experience and practice of the command staff of the Yugoslav Armed Forces and the Ministry of Defense in that aggression using scientific methods. In that sense, the aims of the research were communicating the truth about the causes and the incomprehensible consequences of the aggression on the Serbian people, the engagement of the Yugoslav Armed Forces and the Ministry of Defense and the successes achieved, the violation of international law and the UN Charter exercised through the support of a terrorist organization, the so called KLA by NATO, the consequences of the use of prohibited weapons of war by NATO ... The practical aim of the study was to analyze the known data and the results achieved to determine the truthfulness of the events before, during and after the NATO aggression against FR Yugoslavia and using them in scientific, educational, legal and other doctrinal purposes – said Kastratović, PhD.
Numerous analyses of not only the defense and other operations of the FRY Armed Forces, but also on the part of the aggressor who directed the initial air strikes of the aviation towards destruction of Yugoslav Air Defense, command and communication systems, and then, disrupted by failure, swooped down on civilian targets and infrastructure. Hundreds of pieces of data and facts about the disproportionate combat force and war assets used by NATO have been published, force and assets that were supposed to, according to the initial plans, break the defense capabilities of the FRY Armed Forces over the first few days and the constant increase in enemy forces as time passed, without achieving the desired effects.

The actions and role of the Land Forces and the Air Force and Air Defense were particularly analyzed, whose maneuvering, among other things, precluded the effective actions of the enemy forces. The importance of the engineering units was not forgotten, as it was their activities and masking that greatly contributed to the effective defense of the country and the preservation of the FRY armed forces defense resources. The role of the heroic brigades whose members displayed supreme levels of heroism and morale in combat positions was additionally emphasized.
Published in the service of truth and the fact that, no matter how small, people who know the price of freedom can not be conquered or defeated by a far superior opponent, the study “Yugoslav Armed Forces in 1999 Defense War” brings a wealth of information that confirms this truth.