Celebration of the Day of Military Hospital Niš
Today, in the Military Club in Niš, an official celebration was held to mark 22nd January - the Day of Military Hospital Niš and 141st anniversary of the establishment of the Great Military Hospital for thousand wounded and sick.
The celebration was attended by State Secretary in the Ministry of Defence Bojan Jocić, the Army Commander, Lieutenant Colonel Milosav Simović, Head of Military Health Department Brigadier General Uglješa Jovičić, the Archbishop of Niš Arsenije, and representatives of local government of the town of Niš, town institutions and associations.
State Secretary Jocić congratulated the holiday to the members of the Military Hospital Niš on behalf of Minister of Defence Aleksandar Vulin, sending the message that the medical institution was tightly interwoven in the history and struggle of the Serbian people.
- Responsibility, hard work, self-sacrifice and all other virtues which a medical worker and members of the Serbian Armed Forces have to have, are the traits of the doctors, nurses and other personnel of the Military Hospital Niš. The military health is an indivisible part and important element of the Ministry of Defence, which not only takes care of the health of one hundred thousand military insured, but of the health of civilians who use the services of military health institutions with great confidence.
- The Ministry of Defence pays attention to active personnel, infrastructural and technical equipping, so in the last year it enabled the provision of equipment for the Military Hospital Niš for its two new theatres and radio diagnostic equipment and equipment for the work of preventive medicine teams. In the next year, the Ministry of Defence will continue providing maximum support to military health as a whole – the state secretary noted.
For decades and centuries the members of the military hospital in Niš have been building the reputation of that health institution, and today, Military Hospital Niš is a modern health institution, precious and significant not only for the town of Niš and the Serbian Armed Forces, but for the European tradition of military medical service.
The Head of Military Hospital Niš, Colonel Jovica Stanojković MD underlined in his address that the value of the military hospital lay primarily in its members who by their zeal and dedication to noble causes worked on execution of all the tasks in keeping with glorious tradition and renown of the Military Hospital and Serbian Armed Forces.
An occasional cultural-artistic programme was performed during the celebration, and the Head of Military Hospital Niš presented the plaques of the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Serbia to Archbishop of Niš Arsenije and Director of the Correction Facility in Niš Dejan Panić for the fruitful cooperation and assistance in establishing space for religious services and a chapel.
The official celebration was preceded by wreath lying ceremony with military honours at the memorial pyramid dedicated to the victims of typhoid fever in the complex of the Military Hospital Niš.