Minister Vulin: 2019 – the year of further strengthening of the Serbian Armed Forces
Minister of Defence Aleksandar Vulin, as envoy of the President of the Republic of Serbia and Supreme Commander of the Serbian Armed Forces, and Lieutenant General Milan Mojsilović, Chief of General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces, have arranged a reception on the occasion of the New Year's and Christmas holidays at the Guard's Club at Topčider, this evening.
- In 2019, this country will be stronger by new combat and non-combat helicopters, new tanks and new BRDM reconnaissance fighting vehicles. We expect that we will conclude agreements on the purchase of unmanned aircraft, that we will continue to develop and equip ourselves under the Project 1500, that each of our soldiers will be equipped with better and newer arms and new uniforms – Minister Vulin said, adding that in 2019 the Serbian Armed Forces will continue to strengthen and develop.
According to him, in the new year, the Serbian Armed Forces will be the backbone of its state, country and people, just as it was in the previous years, but also in the years to come.
- The Serbian Armed Forces, strong, safe and satisfied, is an army that is able to preserve peace. Only when you have a powerful, organised army, you can be sure that there will be not many or no one of those who would even think to act or speak using the language of power. The powerful Serbian Armed Forces can guarantee peace, stability and security, everything that Serbia is – the minister of defence pointed out, stressing that every member of the Serbian Armed Forces is what is the most important and most valuable the Serbian Armed Forces has.
Although we are happy about new helicopters, MiGs, tanks, BRDMs, rifles and uniforms, he added, what makes us the happiest is when a member of the Serbian Armed Forces is safe and satisfied.
- What was the greatest strength of the Serbian Armed Forces through history was that you could never say with certainty where is the distinguishing line between the army and the people. The army and the people have always been one and as such they are safe and unbeatable. So will be in the year ahead – Minister Vulin said, adding that we are to face a difficult year, full of challenges, in which paramilitary forces are being formed, it is spoken about creation of a greater Albania.
He reminded that there are many of those who would like to see Serbia as small, humiliated and defeated, and that the year 2019 is the year in which we will strengthen, preserve peace, guard the Serbs wherever they live.
- The Serbian national issue has not been resolved, and in 2019, just as in every year before and every year later, we will do our best to have the Serbian national issue solved in peace, as it should be as one big and brave nation deserves, the nation that gave enough heads in the endless and innumerable wars that were started and asked for by others, and it participated in them because it lived on this piece of land – Minister Vulin said.
- I wish all members of the Serbian Armed Forces, all citizens of Serbia, a successful and above all peaceful year, the year in which we will work, the year in which we will create, the year in which we will win. Long live the Serbian Armed Forces, long live Serbia! – Minister Vulin said.
The ceremony at the Guard's Club was attended by ministers in the Government, senior state officials, representatives of religious communities, members of the military-diplomatic corps, members of the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces and numerous figures from public life.
This evening's ceremony was completed by performance of the Mixed Choir of the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces and the Stanislav Binički Artistic Ensemble of the Ministry of Defence.
A film produced by Zastava Film Military Film Centre was presented as well, highlighting the most significant results of the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces in the year behind us.