Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Minister Vulin: High level of training and dedication of the members of the 63rd Paratrooper Battalion

Members of Niš 63rd Paratrooper battalion carried out 20 kilometre long loaded march in urban conditions as part of their regular planned activities in the area of the town of Niš, in which participated Minister of Defence Aleksandar Vulin as well.

The march was an opportunity to check the training level of the members of the 63rd Paratrooper battalion in challenging weather conditions, observing all conditioning standards of the Serbian Armed Forces. The march was conducted in stipulated time which is five kilometres per hour during the entire track.

Minister Vulin, after having arrived in the barracks “Aerodrom” in Niš, which was the final point of the march, and after talking to the members of the battalion, pointed out that the 63rd Paratrooper battalion was a worthy follower of the tradition of the glorious 63rd Paratrooper Brigade.

- Today, I had an opportunity to be assured first hand of the high level of their physical fitness, exceptional level of training and most importantly of something that characterises our armed forces – extremely high morale, resolve to protect one’s country and to execute all tasks – the minister of defence highlighted.
According to him, in the period to come, a particular attention will be given to training, of special units in particular, raising the level of physical fitness of the entire armed forces, and further enhancement of their living standard.

Following the march, Minister Vulin toured the Memorial room in the barracks “Aerodrom” in Niš of the 63rd Paratrooper Brigade, and a memorial dedicated to the members fallen within that barracks.