Minister Vulin: By Revision of History Croats seek justification for the operation Storm
“The position of the Serbs in Croatia is such that the Serbian minority, instead of enjoying all the rights, must constantly apologize for existing and constantly has to prove its loyalty to the Croatian state. The fact that they live there and that they are the citizens of the Republic of Croatia should be sufficient. But, it seems, when you are a Serb in Croatia, this is an indictment. When you are a Serb in Croatia, you must constantly defend yourself from accusations that you exist. And this book is precisely the attempt to prove and revise history, to prove that the Serbs in Croatia have always been, for centuries, a foreign element, they were someone who was not born there but came from outside, who is an aggressor. If you accept that this is possible then you have justification for the operation Storm”, Defence Minister Aleksandar Vulin said after a humanitarian basketball game in Niš, when he was asked to comment on the book“ Myth about Jasenovac”, published in Croatia.
“They are constantly trying to find justification for the Storm as they are trying to find justification for the NDH. I would understand and support Croatian politicians if they came out once to say that NDH is not what the Croats are proud of, that it is a horrible crime. To stop discussing the figures, whether it was 700,000 or 70,000. If there were 700 killed in Jasenovac, someone had to come out and apologize on behalf of the Croatian people. Croatian politicians should once stop acting like someone who is part of the NDH policy, who is trying to justify it, but to make it clear that this is the biggest shame of the Croatian people and that they have nothing to do with it. If they had the courage to utter it, then they would treat the Serbs in Croatia as equal citizens, as people who have their rights and deserve every attention and respect”, Minister Vulin said.
But since they have to justify the Storm, they have to constantly review the history, so that it could not be interpreted by any chance that the Serbs rose up in the defence of their lives when they saw the Ustasha uniforms in Glina in the 1990s, in that Glina where they burned them in the church, but that Ustasha uniforms and NDH were not really so terrible to be fought against, so that they were not to be fought against in the 1990s either. It was only an attempt to revise history and justify NDH.
When you talk to other nations that have a fascist past, like the Germans and the Italians, they clearly say that they are ashamed of the fascists and the Nazis and that the generation living today has nothing to do with them and does not want to have anything. And when you talk to this generation of Croatian politicians, you see that they are persistently trying to diminish crimes and justify NDH thus making themselves a part of that horrible creation they can never be released of and for which they cannot utter that it was the biggest disgrace of the Croatian people and that they owe a terrible and great apology to Serbs and Jews and Roma, Minister Vulin said.