Minister Vulin at ОТЕХ: Only the technology we conquer is ours
Defence Minister Aleksandar Vulin opened today a two-day scientific meeting in the field of defence technologies OTEH 2018 at the Military Technological Institute.
The 8th meeting is hosted by the Military Technical Institute in cooperation with the Department for Defence Technologies of the Ministry of Defence.
According to Minister Vulin, our country has always been proud of its people, the people who make up the defence system and their quality and knowledge.
He said that the orientation of our armed forces is to get equipped and supplied as much as possible from its own resources.
- Only what you produce yourself, the technology you have conquered yourself is truly yours. Therefore, in the forthcoming period, I hope more than before, we will be able to invest in people who will be able to adapt the technology we use and apply or create a completely new one. This conference is precisely for this purpose, Minister Vulin concluded and he wished all participants in the gathering successful work.
Year after year, OTEH has been dedicated to the greatest Serbian and world scientists, and at today's meeting, Professor Lazar Lazić, from the Institute for Meteorology, spoke about the Serbian scientist Milutin Milanković and his work.
Scientific and expert meeting in the field of defence technologies OTEH has been held since 2005, and six years later it got an international character.