Minister Vulin: The citizens of Serbia can rely on their armed forces
Minister of Defence Aleksandar Vulin and Chief of General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces General Ljubiša Diković met First Sergeant Dejan Stojiljković and his spouse Anka who had demonstrated bravery and humanity by saving life of a young man badly injured in a traffic accident.
Two days ago, while they were having an afternoon walk with their three children, First Sergeant Stojiljković, posted in the Military Hospital Novi Sad and his spouse Anka, a nurse, saved life of the seventeen-year-old boy from Loznica who had been hit by a car in Mihajlo Pupin Boulevard in Novi Sad.
- We heard a thud, and my spouse and I immediately came to the injured young man. We saw that he was injured and we managed to stop the bleeding - First Sergeant Stojiljković explains and adds that he talked to the injured boy all the time to keep him conscious.
He also adds: “No sooner did I see my wife beside me, who had run to me to help, then I realised that our three kids were watching us and our struggle to help the injured man who was bleeding on the street”.
- When we find ourselves is such situations, our duty and obligation, as the members of the Serbian Armed Forces, is to apply what we have learned and help where it is required - emphasises First Sergeant Stojiljković.
As his spouse Anka points out, at that moment they both felt that they had to do something to help the injured young man, and according to them the greatest recognition for their demonstrated bravery came from their children, who after everything had happened, said that their mother and father were heroes.
Congratulating the married couple Stojiljković on their humane deed, Minister Vulin underlined that the members of the Serbian Armed Forces did not differ from all other citizens of Serbia only because they wore uniforms, underwent training and spent their lives protecting our safety.
- They primarily differ from all other people in their constant and unconditional readiness to help everyone in need, and to sacrifice themselves and their lives, health and safety, and often the future of their families, in order to assist those who require it and to be with their Serbia and everyone in trouble - underscored Minister Vulin adding - that is why we are grateful to family Stojiljković for their courage and example how every member of the Serbian Armed Forces could and should react, just like any human being could and should react.
According to him that particular situation is the example of why we need to provide wider training and knowledge for every citizen of this country.
- We should as much as possible learn how to assist a man in need, and I am certain that our human virtues will show once we know how to help people and what we are supposed to do in that particular moment. It is a great thing that our First Sergeant has a great family which supports and loves him, but it is also a great thing that the Serbian Armed Forces has the people it can count on, and all the citizens of Serbia have their armed forces to count on - Minister Vulin sent a message.
Joining the congratulations, General Diković pointed out that their action was a wonderful example of human solidarity and the example of the implementation of the code of honour of the members of the armed forces, with a message that it would have been nice if every citizen had been able to assist another in need.
The Chief of General Staff, also thanked Minister Vulin, adding that it was but one in the line of humane deeds of the members of the Serbian Armed Forces which he stimulated and rewarded, by introducing a novelty of rewarding those who particularly excelled.
- These are our heroes, since what else is to save a human life today, but heroism - General Diković concluded.
Minister Vulin and General Diković rewarded First Sergeant Stojiljković and his family with a seven-day stay on Tara mountain.