Minister Vulin: Nothing can be taken from Serbia by force
- The Serbian Armed Forces pays special attention to training of its members. It has never been enough to arm yourself, to acquire state-of-the-art technology, if you do not have people trained and capable of using the materiel; but even more than that – personnel that is highly motivated to fight for their country and to preserve peace and security of every citizen of our country, said Defence Minister Aleksandar Vulin who, accompanied by General Ljubiša Diković, Chief of General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces, has visited today the training of members of the Serbian Armed Forces in the Stefan Nemanja barracks in Raška and on the training grounds in the immediate vicinity.
- All our citizens should know that the Serbian Armed Forces is a guarantor of our peace, that it is a guarantor of our independence and that it is a safe guardian of our way of life. All those who speak about the war, all those who say they want to take something from the state of Serbia should know that the Serbian Armed Forces is ready, armed, and trained so that anyone who even thinks about it – should immediately give up and never speak about it, Minister Vulin said.
- But there are also few peoples who know the value of freedom and that is why we will do everything to ensure that Serbia and its citizens are safe and free, the minister of defence concluded.
Commenting today on the part of the training, Colonel Muharem Fazlić, deputy commander of the 2nd Army Brigade pointed out that this is an integrated type of training for several arm branches, organised by the Army.
- The aim of this training is to train and qualify units for the execution of march with prediction of encounter battle, support of artillery and missile units for infantry and armoured units during combat operations and the performance of counter-insurgency and anti-terrorist activities, Colonel Fazlić said, emphasizing that it is their pleasure that they had opportunity to present to the military top management a part of the training they have been practicing in recent months.
In the Raška garrison and the training grounds in the immediate vicinity of the Stefan Nemanja barracks, a part of the training of infantry, armour, artillery and special force units, which has been intensively taking place in that area in recent days, has been shown.