President Vučić: The Serbs should not participate in Kosovo Security Forces
Answering a reporter’s question about the pressures on the Serbs to withdraw from the Kosovo Security Forces, President of the Republic of Serbia Aleksandar Vučićstressed that his position was that the Serbs should not participate in the work of the Kosovo Security Forces anyway.
- My question is: What is the document pursuant to which you are establishing the Armed Forces of Kosovo? Serbia acts responsibly, and if one characterises as pressure the fact that we would not like that a Serb shoots at another Serb, since there is no other use for that army, then you can call it any way you like. I have also seen that I am a leader of the “Northern Army” on the north of Kosovo and Metohija, and I have seen everything in the media. I am not. And even if I were, I would not violate the Constitution of the Republic of Serbia whatsoever. But, I am mot. Are we going to let them to kill our people as we silently watch the skies? I have said several times that the “Storm”, “Flash” and all other criminal actions against our people will not repeat – President Vučić sent the message.