Expert Debate “State and Perspectives of Military Education”
Today, a two day expert debate titled the “State and Perspectives of Military Education” started in the Simulation and Distance Learning Centre of the National Defence School. The debate was opened by State Secretary in the Ministry of Defence Aleksandar Živković.
The aim of the expert gathering, which was attended by the Dean of the University of Defence, Major General Mladen Vuruna, Head of the Military Academy Colonel dr Miroslav Talijan, and the representatives of the Ministry of Defence and General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces, is to analyse the existing state and define measures for the enhancement and development of military education system.
- The development of the Long-term plan and programme for development of defence system of the Republic of Serbia is going to be initiated, and within it, the work on producing middle term plans and programmes, so after certain time and processes that we have undergone, there is a need to review the system of military education, to perceive the positive indicators of the work so far, to see what the problems are and their causes, and what it is that we suggest as variants of their solutions – said State Secretary Živković adding that the military education system is the foundation of defence system functioning.
The Dean of the University of Defence, General Vuruna underlined that the goal of the debate was to arrive at feasible measures, and to point out the contents of teaching syllabus and curriculum to improve the quality of the instruction and training in military educational establishments.
- The reason of organising the expert debate lies in the fact that we have numerous programmes and modules of study, and the analysis should point to a change of trends in order to conduct possible corrections of developmental policy – said the Dean of the University of Defence who, during his address, briefly touched upon the state of the military education in the decade behind us.
According to him, the analysis of key elements, such as normative-legal regulation of the military education, organisational-functional structure of the military schools and of others, should, during the two day gathering, review the existing state and the directions forward that are to be taken.
The first day of the expert debate was dedicated to addresses on key elements of the military education system and discussions of the participants, while on the second day of the gathering, the stress is going to be placed on the topics dedicated to the programmes of study and programmes of professional advancements.