Minister Vulin: France greatly respects Serbia and President Vučić's policy
Setting up Kosovo Armed Forces is unacceptable for Serbia
Defence Minister Aleksandar Vulin, who is on an official visit to the Republic of France, at the invitation of his counterpart, met with Minister of Armed Forces Florence Parly. The Minister of Armed Forces pointed out that France respected President Aleksandar Vucic's policy and the policy of military neutralitz of our country. Minister Vulin reiterated that a Kosovo Army is unacceptable for Serbia and that the non-compliance with the Resolution 1244 would cause instability in the region.
France is a friendly state, highly respectful of Serbia's neutral military status, which we intend to retain as our lasting commitment. Thanks to the policy of military neutrality, we can work together with the East and the West, we can express our views wherever we are taking into account primarily the interests of Serbia, but also respecting the interests of other peoples to live in peace”, Minister Vulin said.
The ministers agreed that France and Serbia are tied by traditional bonds of friendship.
“This was an opportunity to remind ourselves that in the First and Second World Wars we fought for the same values- for freedom. The Serbian people appreciate freedom above all. Where the Serbian people was there has always been better side of the world. This was good opportunity to remind ourselves of the old alliance that needs to continue”, Minister Vulin said.