Minister Vulin: Creation of Greater Albania threat to peace and stability throughout the Balkans
- When what they call the state of Kosovo abolish border and customs with Albania, then it is a step towards the creation of a Greater Albania – Defence Minister Aleksandar Vulin said opening the conference on freedom and security in real space and cyberspace in Belgrade Central Military Club.
According to him, the whole world is indifferent before this information about the creation of a great Albania which is not false, but right and true.
- Would they keep silent if this was happening somewhere else? Would they keep silent if this was happening at some other part of the world, would they keep silent if this was happening somewhere closer to the centres of the European Union or another major and important international organisation? Or they are silent only because the only voice that is heard the loudest is the Serbian voice? Is Serbian freedom restricted by interests of the others? Does Serbia have the right to its interests? I would say that it has – Minister Vulin emphasized.
According to him, the creation of Greater Albania is a threat to peace and stability throughout the Balkans, but not only in that area, because everything that happens here between us ultimately spills over to those much larger and more powerful ones.
- I urge Europe not to repeat the mistake it made during the tragic civil war on the territory of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, when it was convinced that the evil of Islamic terrorism would feed only on one nation - the Serbian one, and that this terrible evil will manifest its horror and aggression only on the Serbian people and that it will feed only on this small nation. No single evil can feed on only one people, and no evil can feed on only one country. Therefore, I urge Europe now, while witnessing the creation of a Greater Albania, to stop it from doing so before this, our precious space, a piece of land and water, which we call our own, becomes permanently endangered by the force nobody called or asked for - Minister Vulin said.
He told participants of the conference that today he is speaking not only about false news, but also false truths that, spoken only by one people and its need to be bigger at the expense of someone else, can permanently endanger peace and stability of the areas we live in.