Enhancement of cooperation with Ohio National Guard
Defence Minister Aleksandar Vulin has met today with US Congressman Brigadier General Steven Stivers from the Ohio National Guard, who is visiting the Republic of Serbia.
The two interlocutors discussed the continuation of the development of bilateral military cooperation, with emphasis on cooperation within the framework of the Serbia–Ohio National Guard State Partnership Program, which lasts more than 11 years.
The topic of the discussion was the political and security situation in the region, and Minister Vulin emphasized the principled attitude of Serbia to the policy of military neutrality, the development of cooperation with all key actors of the international community and the development of regional cooperation.
Minister Vulin emphasized that the Republic of Serbia does not accept, nor will it accept in future, the transformation of the the Kosovo Security Forces into the Kosovo Armed Forces, which is one of the elements that certainly lead in a negative direction, represent a gross violation of all previous agreements and have a markedly negative impact on regional stability.