Plaques for the Best at the First International Military Drivers Competition
Today, in the barracks “Ribnica” in Kraljevo an official closing ceremony was held of the First International Military Drivers Competition which was attended by Head of Logistics Department of the General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces Brigadier General Željko Ninković, Deputy Commander of the Training Command Brigadier General Jelesije Radivojević, managers of the competition, referees, competitors and guests.

General Ninković presented the winners’ cups to the best teams and along with congratulations to the winners of the individual and team competitions, General Ninković thanked the teams from Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Hungary and Russian Federation for their participation.

The best driver of the competition on the autodrome “Beranovac” is Corporal Slobodan Milašinović; the second place was also won by a member of the Serbian Armed Forces Corporal Borivoje Pešaković, while the third place in individual competition was taken by Evdokimov Maxim Viktorovich from the team of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. The best drivers received the plaques from General Radivojević.
The organisers of this year’s competition were Training Command and Logistics Department of the General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces, while the driving skills were displayed by nine teams and 18 competitors from Serbia, Russia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Austria and Hungary.