Marking the Legal Service Day
The Day of the Legal Service was marked at the Military Club in Niš, which was taken for its day on 10th May 1864, when the Military Judiciary Code was adopted in Serbia.
The ceremony was attended by Aleksandar Živković, State Secretary at the Ministry of Defence, Lieutenant General Milosav Simović, Army Commander, Zoran Lazić, Secretary of the Ministry, Darko Bulatović, Mayor of Niš, and representatives of the judicial authorities, units and institutions of the Ministry of Defence and the Serbian Armed Forces.
“Since the beginning of the creation of modern Serbia, the second uprising in 1815 and the creation of the Serbian army, the legislative activity has also been developing following the contemporary tendencies of the then Europe. In accordance with these tendencies, in 1839, the Law on the Military was adopted, and in 1864, on this date, the Military Judiciary Code, as well. As the Military Legal Service developed, the Military Discipline Decree was enacted in 1875, and the Law on Military Disciplinary Courts in 1899 With the development of the army, its legal service developed, and immeasurable contribution to it was made by its officers and civilians, all the way to the date of abolition of the military judiciary in 2004 and a significant outflow of personnel. However, looking at younger colleagues, I can notice that the legal service returns to the place it belongs to”, Lieutenant Colonel Dimić said.
During the ceremony today, a fifteen-minute film about the history of this service was screened, prepared by the Military Disciplinary Counsel of First Instance in Niš, and the best members of the service were conferred appropriate awards and commended.