Minister Vulin: Serbia remains consistent in its military neutrality
A two day International conference on security started in Moscow in which representatives of 95 countries participate, such as ministers of defence and military officials. One of the participants is Serbian Minister of Defence, Aleksandar Vulin, who sent a message that the precedent that many western countries created by recognising Kosovo and Metohija, ignoring Serbian interests, represented a great danger to peace and security not only in the Balkans but in the entire Europe.
“Favouring the nationalist idea of the Great Albania which has to execute its expansion to the territories populated by Serbs, inevitably leads to conflicts that cannot be entirely localised. Europe does not work on the prevention of the great Albanian concept, underestimating the danger it poses to its own security and often disregarding its own interests” – Minister Vulin said.
“In spite of efforts of Serbia to make the area of the Balkans permanently stable, as long as we have the behaviour like non-implementation of the Brussels Agreement or unpunished violence against the Serbs, and even beating and arresting of the representative of the Serbian team, Marko Đurić, and essentially unresolved issue of Kosovo and Metohija which fully ignores the interests of Serbia, we will have potential conflicts and they will not solely reflect on the territories populated by Serbs, just like they never have so far. The unpunished infringement of international law in 1999 seemed harmless and distant, like an act without consequences reserved solely for small Serbia, but because of that, today, separatists worldwide use it as an example to whom it is difficult to deny the argument of a precedent.” – Minister Vulin highlighted.
He said that the unipolar world had chosen Serbs to be its enemy and for the needs of fighting against Serbs, it had allowed mobilisation and sending mujaheddins to the war theatre in Bosnia and Herzegovina. “The survived mujaheddins permanently settled in B&H where they have continued their terrorist activities, making this area instable and a potential trouble spot for decades to come after the end of the war. By participating in terrorist attacks in the Western Europe, citizens of B&H confirmed the existence of White al-Qaeda and reconfirmed that introduction of the idea of Islamic terrorism in B&H and K&M for the purpose of fighting against Serbs could not end solely as hatred towards Serbs” said Minister Vulin.
Minister Vulin instanced the migrant crisis as another example of how Europe neglected its own interests and how all the consequences of not facing the policy of the unipolar approach were taking their toll. “In the long run, there is the issue of models of integration of migrants into the society of a host, their participation in political life, and whether the political parties of the western Europe will be able to afford the luxury of keeping to the traditional values upon which their countries were founded or they will, struggling for the votes of the new voters, have to make concessions not asking how much those concessions will cost in terms of internal policy, education, security systems, foreign policy, relation towards the countries of origin of the migrants, and even the EU enlargement policy which directly affects Serbia as well. We have common security challenges, but our responses to them are often not common” stated Minister Vulin concluding his address and emphasising that Serbia would “continue pursuing the policy of preserving its own interests and consistent military neutrality, confident that it is only the independent policy not dictated by anyone else that can guarantee the security and development of our country and people, and the assistance to all neighbours in maintaining stability and peace. It takes one for a war, but it takes at least two for the peace” Minsiter Vulin stressed.