Ministry of defence Republic of Serbia

Minister Vulin: Serbia Procures New Helicopters from Russia

“At the meeting with Minister Shoygu, we initiated talks on the procurement of new armament from the Russian Federation, four “Mi-17” transport helicopters and four “Mi-35” combat helicopters” – Minister of Defence Aleksandar Vulin stated who met today his Russian colleague Sergey Shoygu in the framework of official visit to the Russian Federation during which he will participate in the seventh Moscow conference on international security. “Furthermore, we are continuing our military-technical cooperation by further equipping and modernising MiG-29s, tanks T-72 and combat infantry vehicles, and certain types of air defence armament. The armed Serbia is a peace-loving Serbia and guarantee of peace in the Balkans” Minister Vulin pointed out.
To his hosts, the minister of defence conveyed a message of the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, saying that as long as he is leading the state, Serbia will never participate in any sanctions and anti- Russian hysteria. “Nobody knows better than Serbia how painful fabricated lies can be and when politicians pass judgements without any proof whatsoever” Our response is that we will not participate in it. Everything can change in the world except for our brotherly and friendly relations” – Vulin said. He reiterated that Serbia is grateful for the attitude of Russia regarding Kosovo and Metohija and preservation of our territorial sovereignty and integrity and support to all relevant foreign policy issues. “Russia is always with us, and it understands and respects our interests and entirely understands and supports our policy of military neutrality. The messages of Minister Shoygu are the same as the ones that President Putin had sent in his recent talk with President Vučić that the Russian Federation asks for peace and agreement, and believes that Serbia acts responsibly and that the violence in K&M is absolutely unacceptable.”
Russian Minister of Defence Sergey Shoygu said that the meetings with Serbian Minister of Defence had already become a tradition and that the talks on that day were another step towards further cooperation. Shoygu recollected his last visit to Serbia on 20th October the previous year: “I gladly remember the official celebration of the 73rd anniversary of liberation of Belgrade. That was an important event for me and another confirmation of brotherly relations between our countries” – Minister Shoygu said.
Adviser to President Aleksandar Vučić, Dragutin Matanović conveyed cordial greetings to Minister Shoygu from the President of Serbia, and on his behalf presented Minister Shoygu with a gift – an icon from the 18th century from monastery Solovjecki, while Minister Vulin presented a replica of Karađorđe’s warlord flag with embroidered message: “Russia is a protector of Orthodox Serbs”.
Today, Minister Vulin met Secretary General of Collective Security Treaty Organisation, Lieutenant General Yuri Khatchaturov. They exchanged views and positions on current political developments and on the realisation of the activities so far and the modalities for the enhancement of the cooperation. They agreed that the cooperation is mutually beneficial and directed towards the interests of both sides. Khatchaturov stressed that the CSTO supports the military neutrality of Serbia.
Minister of Defence of Serbia will deliver his address at the third plenary session on the first day of the Conference, on 4th April.