In TTC 40 New Systems in the Final Phase of Testing
- By the end of the year the Technical Testing Centre should complete the testing of more than 40 systems which should be introduced as part of the armament of the Serbian Armed Forces, if their quality qualifies them for that – Minister of Defence Aleksandar Vulin stated, who, today with Chief of General Staff of the Serbian Armed Forces General Ljubiša Diković, visited Arms and Military Equipment Testing Centre “Nikinci”.
- By decision of then President of the Government of the Republic of Serbia Aleksandar Vučić, more than 186 million dinars have been invested in the TTC for upgrading technical characteristics of this facility. The Ministry of Defence and the Government of the Republic of Serbia will continue, together with the Serbian Armed Forces and General Staff to invest in the quality of our products and invest in the quality of all those assets that should be introduced in our armed forces. Our defence industry uses the capacities of the TTC and without successful TTC that is well technologically equipped and well-staffed we cannot have successful defence industry and secure Serbian Armed Forces. One cannot make any compromises when it comes to the quality of arms that is to be fielded in our armed forces and there cannot be any compromises when it comes to the safety of the members of the Serbian Armed Forces. For that precise reason, the TTC daily works on improving the quality of our products and every required protection of the members of the Serbian Armed Forces. Investing in the TTC means investing in the MTI and investing in all the institutions of our armed forces which develop quality and that are capable of adopting new technical solutions, be it through their own ideas or through eliminating the shortcomings of what is presented in the TTC, is of the paramount importance for our country. Serbian defence industry and the entire Ministry of Defence highly appreciate the work of the TTC – Minister Vulin stressed.
According to Acting Assistant Minister for Material Resources Nenad Miloradović PhD, during today’s tour several integral tests were presented of a number of modern arms systems developed by the Military Technical Institute with its partners from the industry for the needs of the Serbian Armed Forces.
- In particular, these are integral tests in which several command-IT reconnaissance platforms, from a simulated command post, prepare a tactical simulation and then task unmanned platforms, in this case unmanned vehicle “Miloš” to execute an adequate task. Also, we had an opportunity to see the capability of the unmanned vehicle “Miloš” to destroy target at great distances and then come close, enter the facility of action and engage targets in the very facility and in complex situations, such as hostage situations, when it is necessary to differentiate between one’s own forces from the enemy forces. Such tests are constantly conducted and we expect their completion rather soon. This is an opportunity to not only test weapons, but to practice joint action of different operators of different armament systems – emphasised Assistant Minister Miloradović adding that they are all faced with a huge task of conducting tests for a large number of systems in order to verify in the TTC that they are at sufficient quality level and that they sufficiently enhance the capabilities of the Serbian Armed Forces so that they would be quickly fielded.
According to the TTC Director Colonel Slobodan Ilić PhD the TTC currently tests arms including sniper and modular rifle 7-62mm for the needs of “Zastava”, and multiple rocket system “Morava”, while in that moment, the modernised “OGANJ” and other systems were being tested internally in the MTI.
At the ground for testing terrain characteristics of wheeled combat armoured vehicles, a demonstration was held of overcoming vertical slopes, side slants and water obstacles, while on displacement C there were tests of the rocket 128mm of improved characteristics of optoelectronic systems and modernised “Maljutka” 2F, modular rifles and sniper rifles and ballistic protection on a segment of the armour for vehicle “Lazar”.